What do you do? chef
Age/ education - 27 - graduated top 5ish from one of the best culinary programs in the country, apprenticed 4 years ago, hopped through 8 restaurants in those 4 years
Where do you work? new restaurant, opened a year ago
What field/industry? restaurant, non franchise/chain
Wages? 59kish, however given how many hours I actually worked for the first 6 months, I worked it out to something like $14.00 an hour (75 hour weeks), though I have scaled it back greatly and am skimming a good 35ish now.
Bonuses/SEP? bonus is pretty slim, I got about 2k at our 1 year mark, because it was a percentage of profits which were small considering the startup costs of a restaurant our size
Benefits? Canadian so prescription isnt bad and decent dental, company pays my cell phone (100 a monthish), and since i do majority of the purchasing, I get paid well for my mileage while out and about, works out in my favor heavily