Where do you work?
Hospital laboratory
What do you do?
What field/industry?
$24/hour base pay, can't really predict annual salary because there's a lot of overtime.
Very good health care, $32 per pay period (every two weeks) gets you full coverage with no deductible, only other charge is $15-$35 co-pays depending on where you go. They give you $120/month for your 401k.
I like what I do, basically the work requires just the right level of mental energy. It's not so simple that it's repetitive and boring, yet at the same time it's not so difficult that it's stressful and exhausting. Currently there's a lot of overtime, and that's simultaneously the best and worst part of the job. I've reached 60+ hours and double-time pay several times this year. The worst part is you never know when they're going to need you to stay longer. Doctors are VERY picky about having their slides in as early as possible, so if we get slammed with work they need everyone to stay and get shit done. That means when you go into work you never know if you're going to be working 8 hours that shift or 14.
EDIT: Wow, forgetting one word made me look like a pretentious ass there.