Probably an excel file. Dumbshit GS employees are too retarded to /rand()Need to get tied in with the government. Saw yesterday they paid $360k for a random number generator to assign which lane to get into at the TSA line at the airport.
Buddy started a nice recording studio up here and he does pretty well for himself. Is it worth another mortgage? Tough to say, but if there's a gap in the market and you're really good you could make a killing.I currently produce live and recorded music in about a dozen venues. It has been pretty great, but I'm getting a bit sick of the late nights. Many weekend nights I'm on site until 3 AM. It's a good time, and I love what I do, but it cuts in to my family time somewhat on the weekends. And, if I function as a normal dad and don't let it cut into family time, I'm a dead on my feet zombie.
I'm considering creating a recording studio, and forgoing the live music scene. I'm in the process of building a large out-building on my property, and I'm thinking of making it a little bigger, sound proofing the shit out of it, and investing in all the recording equipment I need to produce any album that comes my way. I'm nicely located for this, the gigs I've been able to book have been proof of that. The issue is I'd need to pull a mortgage for it, as the recording equipment to get up and started would be in the range of 600K$. It's within the equity of the property, so I don't doubt I could get the loan, I'm just wondering if I want to.
It also makes my world a little bit smaller. Right now all bookings come from without, and I have little risk. If I do this, I have to invest in potential.
This is a life changing decision. I may sleep on it.
That's the question. I mean, I think I'm amazing, and so do my kids. I've had pretty killer success over the last decade, but a lot of that is live releases. Studio changes shit a lot. And technology changes so bloody fast.Buddy started a nice recording studio up here and he does pretty well for himself. Is it worth another mortgage? Tough to say, but if there's a gap in the market and you're really good you could make a killing.
Nah, you gotta get into supplying medical supplies if you want to make real money. For reference, our lab buys silver nitrate at $900/gram, anhydrous ethanol at $2800 a gallon, office chairs cost $4200 and the new microwave oven we're planning on buying will cost $38,000.Need to get tied in with the government. Saw yesterday they paid $360k for a random number generator to assign which lane to get into at the TSA line at the airport.
Very soon in hiring is like within a week. Jesus dude let them grab a bite to eat...Interview went well yesterday, I thought. They were talking about it as if it were already mine and they liked my background and answers to all of their questions. But they said "we have a couple more people we committed to talking to, you should hear from us very soon" and since it's been a day and I haven't heard I'm thinking it's a no go. Meh.
But it would have been a sweet fucking spot, running my own assessment team. Still keeping hope alive, I do want it. Hoping to hear something by at least Monday.
More people are bailing from my current contract so if it doesn't work out I do have some leverage to get more money through August.
If this is true i do not think you will get the jobThat was last night, by this afternoon I already had on adult diapers driving to their office to ice the other candidates because I AM THE ONLY ONE FOR THEM! Why can't they just see that?