Frenzied Wombat
Potato del Grande
Yeah, we have a hot SMU lawyer at the office that says her loans are in excess of 150K with a monthly payment of $2700. That's just fucking nuts. I mean sure,somelawyers rise to the top and make serious coin, but that's a big fucking investment to pump into a career that you are either apathetic about or don't plan on excelling in. I shudder to think about the poor slobs that go to 3rd tier law school like Wesleyan..You could ask any of the 55% or so of the female law students this. Very few of them care anything about actually being lawyers and think going to law school is just the thing to do to complement their english literature degree and will allow them to get daily starbucks, apple and BMW products, and be an "educated" housewife vs. a stay-at-home by necessity. When I was in my third year one of them remarked to me that she really was disappointed that there weren't more jobs in international issues so that she could work in Europe where she really wanted to be.
I was like. Holy shit, get a fucking grip. You got a professional degree, go be a goddamn professional.
And its more than $100k now, lol
We've had quite a few hot female lawyers come through the door but most seem miserable. Either they're complaining that they can't find a guy wealthier and/or more successful than they are, are in emotional meltdown over stress or criticism of their work, or can't take the brutal non sugar coated communication/treatment they get from the Top Dog lawyers.