In any case, we're going through an ugly termination situation right now. A project manager that's worked for us for 9 years snapped on our purchaser one day, over some stupid, petty shit. He's always treated people poorly and had a temper. Problem is, we've never really documented it, it's always been dealt with verbally. We're a small company with only 6-7 office employees other than my bro and I, so that's just how things have been operated. So he snapped on the purchaser one morning (yelling and screaming at him, poking him in the chest with his finger, getting right in his face etc), my brother told the two of them to avoid each other for the next 24 hours and he'd deal with them the next day. Sure enough, the dumb fuck goes right after the purchaser again the next morning, for more petty, stupid shit, doing the same thing (getting in his face, yelling, denigrating him).
Our purchaser has been around for 6-7 years, and is a much better employee. He gets along with people and does a good job. The PM has always been a fucking asshole, frequently has conflicts with other employees, and is not well liked by other contractors we work with, clients that we work for, and so on. The purchaser basically said "it's him or me" before going home for the day after the second blow up. We told him to stay away from the office for a couple days while we "dealt" with the situation (blow-ups happened on a Wed/Thurs). The PM also left for the day on Thursday, then called on Friday morning and told my brother he wasn't coming in because the purchaser was a loose cannon and he was concerned that he was going to attack him physically (they're both big guys, probably be an even fight), and that he wanted the purchaser written up. By that point we'd talked to everyone in the office, most of whom had either overheard or seen parts of one or both conflicts, and basically everyone said "the PM went after him, the purchaser certainly didn't back down, but it was 90% the PM initiating it. Oh and by the way, I can't stand the PM, he treats me and everyone else like shit." So my brother told the PM that the purchaser certainly wouldn't be getting written up, to take Friday and the weekend to think about his actions, and we'd talk on Monday. The PM said that he would, and that he had an appointment with his doctor on Monday, and he'd be in after that.
Sure as shit, Monday rolls around and we get an email from the PM's wife saying that his doctor instructed him to take a 4 week medical leave for stress. She called later that day to talk to my bro, and basically told him more info than she should have: the PM had some minor to medium health issues over the past couple years (started with chest pains, nothing was ever conclusive, then those went away and became stomach problems, high blood pressure etc), she'd had cancer a couple years back but her prognosis was good (remember, Canada, no bills for that, just lost wages, and she's still employed), that the PM might have stress problems but that she didn't think it was primarily work related because she's known him her whole life and he's always been wound that tight, they have money problems (he makes well over 100K per year plus significant bonus, has a company vehicle fully paid for and no personal vehicle), and so on. At that point my bro and I decide that we don't have much choice but to get rid of him; he's bad for morale and the company, wasn't even a very good PM in the first place (terrible with numbers and money and scheduling, but he was a decent enough tradesman so that side of things he was okay at), and so on.
We talk to our lawyer about the situation and get his advice. If we were to have laid him off with no cause whatsoever, given his long term employment he'd be entitled to 12-15 months wages and benefits, assuming he couldn't find a job in that time. He'd have to show that he was looking, and if he were to find something, we'd be off the hook other than the difference in what his knew job was paying him vs what we were. However he felt that even without a history of disciplinary infractions that his actions were egregious and threatening enough that we'd have at least a decent case to terminate him for cause, if it ever got as far as a judge. So the strategy laid out for us was to give him several letters, after he was cleared to return to work health wise (we continued to pay his salary in the mean time while he was on a leave, despite not being obligated to, because we're nice guys like that). The first basically laying out that he is being terminated with cause for his most recent blow ups, especially for specifically ignoring my brother's instruction to avoid contact with the other employee. You get nothing, get the fuck out. The second and third letters were an offer to rescind the first letter in return for giving him a payout package of 4 months salary if he dropped any further action against us. He gets to keep that full 4 months even if he finds a better paying job tomorrow (doubtful).
So we met with him after work last week after he was cleared to return (his leave had been extended another 2 weeks, so he received 6 weeks salary while on leave). Sure enough, he showed up in his wife's car, not his company truck, probably because he knew he was going to get fired and not have a ride home after we took his keys. In any case, he was actually pretty passive as we explained our decision and gave him the letters in a sealed envelope. We told him that he could keep driving the truck while he considered his options, and that he had a week to get back to us.
He got back to us yesterday, and has demanded a full 12 months salary payable in a lump sum, plus his truck in lieu of his bonuses. His bonus was always clearly identified in writing as being year to year based upon company and personal performance, and also was expressly void should he stop working for the company for any reason whatsoever. He'd keep that full 12 month's salary, no matter how quickly he found a new job. So basically he's asked for the full amount he might be entitled to,had he been terminated for no reason whatsoever and been completely unable to find a job elsewhere.
When we offered him 4 months, our hope was that he'd come back, ask for 6, we could shake hands and walk away. But this asshole, who has always been so fucking greedy (because he's fucking terrible with money, he's gone bankrupt before), thinks he's going to get a full year vacation off of us and thinks he did nothing wrong. At this point, I'm almost of the mind to rescind our original offer, tell him the termination for cause letter stands, return the truck in 24 hours, and go fuck yourself. I know for a fact that this asshole can't afford to be off work for more than a month or two, let alone to pay a lawyer a large retainer to try to fight this out for months or years in court. And even if he did have the resources to do that, there's a very good chance that a judge will agree that he was fired for cause because of his behaviour. Everyone we spoke to in our office said they'd have no problem signing affidavits stating that the PM initiated the incident, was physically confrontational, and was otherwise creating a poisonous work atmosphere because of the way he treated people in general.
On top of all that, several fuck-ups on projects have now come to light since he's been gone. In one case, he instructed site personnel to improperly install the chimney on a couple very large boilers, because he was too fucking lazy to order a proper metal to plastic venting adapter collar. Instead he told them to just heat caulk around the join, since they were different sizes. Sure enough that caulking failed, and the fucking boilers were venting directly in to the mechanical room, which is in the parkade of an apartment building. Someone could have been fucking killed by CO poisoning because that idiot didn't want to order a couple parts.
Ugh, I wanted to get rid of this asshole years ago because he was always a bad person, and was never a very good PM, but my bro thought he could control him and keep an eye on his screwups. It's not easy to find good mechanical PMs here, but given where we're at now, it's obvious we should have gotten rid of him years ago.