I know a lot of people here come from IT backgrounds (goes with the territory of being gaming nerds after all) but if anyone is thinking of career changes then Accounting really isn't all that bad. While I was working in Accounting at a bank, one of the Senior VPs once told me that Accounting is a great field because every company needs them.
For the most part Accounting is pretty stable income and job security. There's always going to be turnover and that gets worse in a failing company but like that VP told me "Everyone needs Accountants." Pay is decent. You won't be starting at 6 figures but you can easily make 40, 50, 60, 70K+ depending on your education, experience and role. Being a government drone I've got it mapped out where I'll be making over 60K next year and if I continue on track I'll be making over 70K two to three years down the road and retire around 100K a year (at today's rates which will increase as time goes on). By no means do I consider myself rich but my wife's an RN and makes about 45K a year with no kids. We're very comfortable. Like I said, the money is solid but don't go in expecting to be making 6 figures.
If you go the CPA route it's very difficult and challenging but it's an awesome feeling of accomplishment to pass the thing. And with the whole baby boomer issue going on they project something like one quarter to a third of the current CPAs to retire in the next few years making for huge demand for the credential. Big 4 Accounting is a young man's game (typically 60+ hours during busy season) but if you've got experience elsewhere you can skip that whole route (like I did) and still make good money. We are in huge demand and those 3 letters carry a ton of respect in the business world. Even in my lazy government drone position I noticed a big change in how people have treated me since I earned those letters. And being a CPA is what puts me on track to get to that 70K+ Job Grade in two to three years. Even if you don't actually do Accounting, just being a CPA will get you noticed. With that said passing the exam is one of the hardest things I've done. I was studying everyday two to three hours on work nights and another 6 to 8 hours each day on the weekends. For 10 months that was my life. So you might not actually do Accounting to make the CPA title worthwhile but you still need to be able to learn it to pass the exam.