What does your ideal modern MMO be like?

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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The content would have to change very frequently so spoiler sites would never become a thing.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Obviously you just make it so that Gear gets weaker the more players have it, so that you incentivize people to hide infoz :)
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The Edge

Lord Nagafen Raider
Dark Souls 3 in the Everquest universe.

I should be able to solo AoW if I learn his attack patterns and can dodge/parry appropriately.


Avatar of War Slayer
Just making sure that your ass was griefed for this thread title.

But yes, the only way an MMO is going to engulf all my free time again is if Im "in" the world, like Sword Art Online.
  • 1Worf
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Canuckistani Terrorist
All I want is a game where the carrot exists to keep me interested, and the drive to improve my character exists.

If I can't put in the time and effort to be uber l33t, thats fine. The people that can are the ones that motivate me to attempt to reach that level of the game, even if I never can reach that level of the game realistically.

Somewhere between 2003 EQ and vanilla WoW would be ideal. I despise WoW now simply because they aim to cater to every dumbfuck that can press more than a single key, and hand out near raid quality loot for going afk in LFR or grinding out WQ's.


Trump's Staff
There's a pretty big difference between LFR casual geared and raid geared players in WoW.
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<Bronze Donator>
The content would have to change very frequently so spoiler sites would never become a thing.

I was actually pondering procedurally generated dungeons. But idk if it's possible to do right for an MMO.


Vyemm Raider
Just making sure that your ass was griefed for this thread title.

But yes, the only way an MMO is going to engulf all my free time again is if Im "in" the world, like Sword Art Online.

My grammar slipped because I got excited about a new MMO set in Wakanda and started LARP'ing while typing.
  • 4Worf
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A Mod Real Quick
Maybe I will get flamed for this

I think EXCEPT FOR TECHNICAL PROBLEMS vanguard was the perfect MMO. I loved that you could solo quest or just join with a group and grind mobs. I think the world was interesting, classes were exceptionally well made and interesting, and combat was fun .
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What ever it is, it needs to put players in conflict with each other and allow them to sort out conflict.

Eve style bounty system.
Eve style criminality system.
Non instanced or unique open world content.(story line bosses and dungeons can be instanced for players but separate bosses are contested)

Items that mean somethung/have lore and are varied in where and how you get them.

No more tier 1 then 3 months later tier 2 throw away items wow does.

Give me short sword of Ykesha into bloodfire into dagas into epic style item progression.

No servers! Make the world large enough and the content varied enough that you have one giant lifeless planet that allows people to build on.
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Avatar of War Slayer
Somewhere between 2003 EQ and vanilla WoW would be ideal. I despise WoW now simply because they aim to cater to every dumbfuck that can press more than a single key, and hand out near raid quality loot for going afk in LFR or grinding out WQ's.

There's a pretty big difference between LFR casual geared and raid geared players in WoW.

Brikker is right. I used to buy into the train of thought you had, Cynical. When you're looking at someone's item level and they are 10-15 away from someone in Mythic, the difference there seems marginal. The actual item power, however, is not. Thats why you have people who seem to be in the same playing field, doing the correct rotation, but having a much lower impact than your common Mythic raider. Im sure Blizzard set it up this way so that only the players that invest into the research know how big of a difference that is, versus your common player that looks at item level above all else.


Molten Core Raider
1. Gear doesn't become completely useless after every expansion. Add new stuff in to complement what's there, but the awesome stuff I work hard to get at launch should still be viable into the early expacs.
2. No quest hubs or fucking dailies. I hate that fucking shit. It makes it feel like I'm at work.
3. Bonus XP for grouping; but no penalty for soloing.
4. Ability to play a class well or poorly. Not just agumented skills; higher-level players should have to learn how to play better.
5. Monsters that aren't just humanoid varients. I want to see some crazy weird shit.
6. Xp zone rewards. Pussy zones are fine for the masses, but I should be able to amp up the risk/reward if I want.
7. Interesting quests, but fewer of them. No filler quests. No bear asses or kill x of y.
8. Shadow Knights.
9. Different tiers of play than Group and then Raid. 3 people; full group; 2 groups; 4 groups; 60+ raid should all be able to find something interesting to do.
10. Monthly fee. I want to pay people to make a good game. I want people who are too poor to play to fuck off.

And that's 10 items for the game that will never get made.
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A Mod Real Quick
I'd probably ban someone from the forums if they wanted to raid competitively fully LFR geared
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
My dream MMO...

1. Accessible to even the most casual
2. A Competitive aspect somewhere.
3. Mobile Device Access
4. Large expansive galaxy
5. No Starting cities. Cities are created by players. Fresh servers would have starting "encampments/landings".
6. Main goal of the game is advancing your settlement.
A. Start as an encampment/landing
B. develop into a town, then city, then metropolis, eventually into a super sci-fi advanced world.
7. Politics would be a major feature and is where the mobile functionalty can come into play.
A. Democracies can hold elections
B. Councils can make decisions
C. playing the political game can put you in a seat of power (king/ queen/ President/ etc)

Your average player will gather, build and fight.

Advancement would be a combination of skill trees tied to item types or actions and also levels specific to a skill set.


My desire with a game like this is the appeal of logging in to see your city grow. Knock down some trees for the mill where they are turned into logs for the new barracks.

Defend from npc and pc invasions, or start one. Get mobile alerts if one is happening

And if I can dedicate some time, go on raids to acquire loot for myself and priceless treasures for the city temples/ vaults etc