it definitely breaks rules from the comics, but we don't know if it breaks rules from loki because we don't really know where the TVA is. it seems these rules are consistent with endgame though, as the infinity stones can't be destroyed in the comics, but thanos was able to. it's also a bit wonky because of how branching timelines work in that when they used the stones in endgame, they still worked despite being taken OUT of their original timeline.
effectively the stones that were used in endgame were from ANOTHER timeline, even though they were the same stones that they interacted with earlier in their life. it's stupid wibbly wobbly timey wimey nonsense but the movie made it clear that time travel isn't like back to the future. which is the exact reason why old man cap showing up at the end didn't make any sense according to the internal logic of the movie.
obviously people are debating that, even the writers and directors don't agree, but there's enough gray area in that debate to make the assumption that in the MCU, the stones work throughout each multiverse. which should end up making a stupid plot goal for someone to retrieve multiple copies of the stones to one up each other... but then again you have the TVA which did exactly that...
There are/were some theories that the quantum realm isn't affected by the stones. And so since the TVA is also in some odd realm outside of the time continuum, that may explain why the stones were just paper weights there.Not sure why the TVA's location matters.
They could go with something alone the lines of the timelines the stones came from no longer existed so they lost their power. Seems silly to have even brought them up at all, though
There are/were some theories that the quantum realm isn't affected by the stones. And so since the TVA is also in some odd realm outside of the time continuum, that may explain why the stones were just paper weights there.
There are/were some theories that the quantum realm isn't affected by the stones. And so since the TVA is also in some odd realm outside of the time continuum, that may explain why the stones were just paper weights there.
outside their own timeline, not multiverse. it's probably an overly pedantic distinction; so much so that it might not even matter... but the TVA is snipping timelines within it's own universe. otherwise what would the watcher even be doing? and there is only a single Uatu the Watcher (though, there are several other watchers) vs there being several kang's and tva's.Last episode seemed to imply that each timeline had their own TVA, so they can't be "separate" from timelines. Only thing I can think of that would make sense to do with the location would be if they're "located" before the universe began or after the universe ended in each timeline and that somehow renders them powerless
Black don't crack.only minor quibble would be that there is no chance Killmonger is able to handle that many infinity stones without turning instantly to dust, but I guess you could say maybe he took the black panther steroid juice or something.
didn't feel rushed which i appreciated. only minor quibble would be that there is no chance Killmonger is able to handle that many infinity stones without turning instantly to dust, but I guess you could say maybe he took the black panther steroid juice or something.
Lots of stuff the entire series could have been better, especially the episodes that felt super rushed, but hopefully that means a better season 2. The big mid episode fight felt very much like a Thanos infinity war fight and it was really cool.
I wonder who watches The Watcher
Without question the Dr. Strange episode was by lightyears the best episode of the season. Every episode he was in he was the best part.Despite that and while not being as powerful as the Dr Strange episode, it was overall very good.