Oh, so you've seen this crumbling infrastructure in person? Or are you just parroting what you've read and seen from CNN and MSM?
I go to China every year for business. I've been to Russia 5-6 times in my life.
There is a reason all the propaganda you read is negative regarding these 2 countries. Because they are the perceived enemies of the US.
From my personal experience, Russia has the most beautiful women in the world, bar none, not even countries like Sweden or Brazil. They are also doing quite well economically, although you would never get that sense from our news. I can't speak about the last few years since the Ukraine war broke out, but definitely up to mid 2010s Russia was quite prosperous.
China is doing fine also. Of course, all you read in the news is about how the country is falling apart, their economy is in shambles, etc.
It would be like if someone shined a spotlight on the worst parts of the US, like black Chicago or inner city Baltimore and had you believe that was how the rest of America was.
Honestly I thought people on this board would be smart enough to realize almost everything published by MSM is propaganda.