Question. Is there any guide that will take you thru the main story quests of Cata, Panda and WoD?
But anyone know if there is a way to go thru the expansions and hit most of the big lore points and stay level appropriate?
That's going to be very difficult, notably for Cata/Panda. You have major lore basically in every zone, but you're going to overlevel each zone by mid zone.
For Cata, skip Vash'jir (which is irrelevant to the main storyline), do Hyjal, Deepholm and Uldum, and you have most of it. You're missing a few bits in Twilight Highlands, but you're getting most of it.
For Pandaria, do most of Jade Forest, going straight to the Jade Temple until you have the major Horde-Alliance showdown; skip Valley of 4 Winds and Krasarang which have little main lore (there's a minor bit about the 4th celestial, the Red Crane), go straight to Kun Lai, avoid the grummle trail quests, open up the Gates to Vale of Eternal Blossom (White Tiger temple), go to Townlong, and move to Dread Wastes as soon as you can.
WoD is mostly irrelevant stuff. After all, it's an alternate timeline. Do your starter zone, skip most of Gorgrond, do Talador, skip as much of Arak you can, and do Nagrand.