That's one of the reasons the Legendary Windfury weapon was so damn good. Make little tornadoes of threat on up to 3 targets total. Way before warriors had any sort of AE threat (demoralizing shout doesn't count). I remember tabbing through a group trying to heroic strike all of them. The best warrior threat was back in Beta. They upped the max level to 45 and opened up Temple of Atal'Hakkar & Blackrock Depths. I loved both of those dungeons, by the way. Anyway, doing Sunken Temple with all of those groups of whelps and shit, Taunt was on a 1-2 second cooldown back then, and cost no rage, and it gave +threat instead of just putting you to the very top of the list. So a leveling warrior's ONLY job was to tab taunt tab taunt tab taunt. I could hold like 30 things on me.