A Mod Real Quick
Why not? If you aren't raiding why do you need the upgrades?You'd prefer raiding be your only source of upgrades?
Why not? If you aren't raiding why do you need the upgrades?You'd prefer raiding be your only source of upgrades?
watWhat fucking ass turd at blizzard designed the loot system for Legion? Are they looking to out do wods sub loss?
Trading loot. With group.Tell me what's good about it
Pls world of diablocraft
For those that aren't super big Blizzard knowledge junkies why do those two tweets signal that? I get the first tweet because he left Marvel Heroes and looks like he's interviewing at Blizzard again but the second tweet I don't get the significance of.looks like big diablo news coming.
I'm not sure how popular of an idea this would be but I would absolutely love to explore the world of Diablo. There's so may landmarks I would like to see at that setting from Diablo I and II. The music would be awesome as well (I know that's probably not a big deal to some). Raid encounters would be easy to come up with and would be awesome as well. Would be cool to see different "planes" that Diablo, Baal, etc. held dominion over.
I'm really hoping but not hold my breath.
David Brevik said:Original design for D3 was an open-world game with 20+ people playing together. Random dungeons, static over-world.
Nerds will pay for anything Blizzard?Why would they make a Diablo MMO when they already own the fantasy MMO market? Let alone a Diablo MMO when their current MMO uses systems from the Diablo 3 game...
The percentage of MMO population that subs and maintains a sub for more than 3 months can't be that great. A lot of gamers are transient following whatever releases new content for a couple months and then floating over to the next. If Blizzard decides they want two MMOs and then alternate content releases every 3 months they'll maintain a sub to Blizzard for at least one of them and have an increased chance of doubling.
I'm not sure how popular of an idea this would be but I would absolutely love to explore the world of Diablo. There's so may landmarks I would like to see at that setting from Diablo I and II. The music would be awesome as well (I know that's probably not a big deal to some). Raid encounters would be easy to come up with and would be awesome as well. Would be cool to see different "planes" that Diablo, Baal, etc. held dominion over.
I'm really hoping but not hold my breath.
Raid encounters