Whats rustling your jimmies?


Silver Knight of the Realm
Honestly, in my experience IT departments in general have a real problem with arrogance and perceived self importance. They need to remember that they are a cost center and a support department, and act that way. There's a lot of really arrogant shit policies that IT gets away with that would never fly in any other support department.

Here's an example. I work in a hospital lab. If one of the doctors wants a test done, there's a computer program they enter it into and it shows up on my screen and I do it. I imagine this is very similar to the support request computer system where we submit IT problems.

Now, some doctors don't like using the system. They just call us instead and ask us directly, and we still do what they want. If you call the IT department with a problem, they tell you to fuck off. Submit a ticket or we won't do shit. This is not just something they get away with, it's apparently standard policy at most companies.

I would never, in a million years, dream of telling an MD that I'm not going to do his test unless he puts it into the computer. That is something that would raise enough of a shitstorm to get my boss fired for retaining such an arrogant employee.
I get that man, and agree with you. IT people should absolutely not be assholes, they are definitely there to support normal business operations. However, you said it yourself, they are a cost center, and in your scenario if they do work without it being entered into the system then they have no way to track their productivity. If they do a bunch of shit for you without a support ticket how are they going to show their work? For you, you show your work with the output of test results. For them, there is no visible output to prove they aren't just fucking around all day. Your scenario basically paints doctors as arrogant assholes who feel they are above having to stick to company policy. Do you honestly believe that you or those same doctors are going to speak up when an IT job is on the line due to no productivity tracking?

Edit: I just want to add though, so you know I am not being combative. In your scenario the IT guy should let the person in need know that they are going to take care of their problems, but still explain how important the system is for IT, and ask nicely to input a ticket so they might have an excuse to expedite the process. I will be the first to admit that there are too many people in IT who look down on their users and often fail to communicate effectively or appropriately. Personally I view all of my users as customers of my services, I try to use as much diplomacy as possible to make sure both of our needs get met.


Honestly, in my experience IT departments in general have a real problem with arrogance and perceived self importance. They need to remember that they are a cost center and a support department, and act that way. There's a lot of really arrogant shit policies that IT gets away with that would never fly in any other support department.

Here's an example. I work in a hospital lab. If one of the doctors wants a test done, there's a computer program they enter it into and it shows up on my screen and I do it. I imagine this is very similar to the support request computer system where we submit IT problems.

Now, some doctors don't like using the system. They just call us instead and ask us directly, and we still do what they want. If you call the IT department with a problem, they tell you to fuck off. Submit a ticket or we won't do shit. This is not just something they get away with, it's apparently standard policy at most companies.

I would never, in a million years, dream of telling an MD that I'm not going to do his test unless he puts it into the computer. That is something that would raise enough of a shitstorm to get my boss fired for retaining such an arrogant employee.
Do Doctors see patients who just walk into their office or do they make everyone make an appointment?


Trump's Staff
Do Doctors see patients who just walk into their office or do they make everyone make an appointment?
I'm not sure what your point is here. Callins don't get a higher priority. When we get something called in, we put it in the computer ourselves and it gets in the same line as everything else.

Yes, this does mean that we could theoretically enter fake tests and make it look like we were doing more work than actual, but any department can commit fraud. Why is IT special? Do you not have managers whose job it is to make sure you're working? I have no idea why IT can't just enter a called in problem themselves and then deal with it like normal. Its the arrogant refusal to engage in any human interaction or to take 2 minutes to enter the request into the computer yourself that really bothers me.


I'm not sure what your point is here. Callins don't get a higher priority. When we get something called in, we put it in the computer ourselves and it gets in the same line as everything else.

Yes, this does mean that we could theoretically enter fake tests and make it look like we were doing more work than actual, but any department can commit fraud. Why is IT special? Do you not have managers whose job it is to make sure you're working? I have no idea why IT can't just enter a called in problem themselves and then deal with it like normal. Its the arrogant refusal to engage in any human interaction or to take 2 minutes to enter the request into the computer yourself that really bothers me.
My point was you are trying to compare your job to IT and the way it works. It's not the right comparison. As for why IT is special and shouldn't ever have their department looking like they are committing fraud - well, you should ponder that for a little bit. I hope you'd come to a quick conclusion that the department entrusted with access to all the data would have every interest in following policy.

I do see your point about entering in a ticket, but I would suggest the IT ticketing system is some real crap software that has none or limited functionality to do what you suggest. Remember, IT is a cost not a money maker, so they don't necessarily get the cool EMR type systems to track why Bob in the lab can't print because the toner needs replacing.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Every damn light/TV on in the house

Only liking 'crisp' sodas so dumping out the last half of glass, every glass.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I'll chip into the IT guy rustling my jimmies. The good news is his days are numbered. He doesn't know it yet which helps a little more as well.

We have an office of 40 people, another in Phoenix with 10 people and two office for the shops in MS with about 10 people. The entire company is 500ish people and we are owned by the largest steel fabricator on the west coast. They show the San Francisco skyline and they have built 3/4 of them plus baseball stadiums, hospitals etc..Our owner flew in on his private jet last week on his way to Africa and I was in the meeting where he said "Do what it takes to get these people what they want".

Anyway I was hired and it's almost a clandestine type deal. They don't want to rustle the jimmies of the people at the office we are eliminating. They were given the option to relocate all expenses paid but they passed and they are all close to retirement. Because of this they dreamed up a do nothing type title. I'm supposed to be learning how things operate to take over that office and in my contract I will be promoted to a vice president.

Anyway the IT guy has made it his lifes work to make my job hard. The president of the company told him to get whatever I needed and keep it quiet. I am taking over the engineering office and he won't get me anything other than a laptop. I have a laptop and a 21" monitor with a non adjustable monitor stand. No one in the office can run a dual monitor because he builds work stations without the capability. He's old like me at age 45.

He gives me these big talks about he has the budget to buy dual 32" monitors but he sees no use for them.

He's in for a big suprise and he'll be first on the chopping block. He has been with the company too long, got too comfortable and tries to act like management.

In the meeting where I was introduced to the other VP's and a few select other people who were "in on it" we had vide conferening issues and they called him in. He tried to make a point of just sitting down and listening until the president almost had to have him physically removed. Then afterwards the president sent out another email to the particpants saying we would have the same meeting for updates from me every two weeks. He CC'd the IT guy in an effort to get the video conferencing fixed. The IT guy came by and told me he would see me in the meetings and could finally give his 2 cents no the company.

I know, cool story bro. He has a real good job if he would get off his "I"m management" high horse and it's really not very IT demanding. He told me point blank that people with my background normally make about $25/hour. He can't do basic math either apparently. I'm project manager on a $1 billion carbon capture project. I guess the IT guy thinks that should pay more.

Also I use a docking station with my laptop and my keyboard has no Z key. Already talked to the president about it and he's gone, just wanting to clear house all at once and is keeping a log of all the stupid shit.


Got something right about marriage
Landlord just stopped by. He's been wanting to sell the place for while since he wants to retire and I guess he finally did yesterday. Have to be out by April 1st. I'm kind of bummed but I'm moving to Oregon in May so all I really need is a couch to crash on and a storage space. My roommate however has lived here for 17 years and the house is essentially filled with her stuff. She has her own separate room about the size of mine dedicated to her wardrobe. Not to mention that we just bought a new washer and dryer set about a month before he told us he was selling the place.
Check the HUD website for your state to see if he can legally ask you to leave. There are a lot of factors that can play into whether he can legally evict you.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Landlord just stopped by. He's been wanting to sell the place for while since he wants to retire and I guess he finally did yesterday. Have to be out by April 1st. I'm kind of bummed but I'm moving to Oregon in May so all I really need is a couch to crash on and a storage space. My roommate however has lived here for 17 years and the house is essentially filled with her stuff. She has her own separate room about the size of mine dedicated to her wardrobe. Not to mention that we just bought a new washer and dryer set about a month before he told us he was selling the place.
That's not legal on the LL's part, depending on the state. Not nearly enough time allowed for a tenant to make arrangements. Fuck 'em.


Avatar of War Slayer
Check the HUD website for your state to see if he can legally ask you to leave. There are a lot of factors that can play into whether he can legally evict you.
Don't be "those people" - you essentially will force him to do an quick eviction process that will be all sorts of not fun if there is stipulations in the sale of the house that it will be unoccupied - stuff like the washer and dryer you can just take with you, but if you start being an a-hole, and the owner and former owner have 1k-2k or so to plop down on some paperwork and lawyers you will be out and your crap will be theirs. Be a normal person and things will be fine, if not annoying, if you get suborn they will get worse and in the end, you loose - if you have any money, or holdings or well anything and you again, want to be an a-hole and f-the place out of spite they (meaning both parties) will go after you. The best thing to do is ask for that 1 month additional and play nice, maybe even just ask the new owner and pay them that additional month.


Got something right about marriage
Don't be "those people" - you essentially will force him to do an quick eviction process that will be all sorts of not fun if there is stipulations in the sale of the house that it will be unoccupied - stuff like the washer and dryer you can just take with you, but if you start being an a-hole, and the owner and former owner have 1k-2k or so to plop down on some paperwork and lawyers you will be out and your crap will be theirs. Be a normal person and things will be fine, if not annoying, if you get suborn they will get worse and in the end, you loose - if you have any money, or holdings or well anything and you again, want to be an a-hole and f-the place out of spite they (meaning both parties) will go after you. The best thing to do is ask for that 1 month additional and play nice, maybe even just ask the new owner and pay them that additional month.
What the fuck are you talking about? Where did I suggest being a dickhead and fucking the place up? I simply told him to figure out what his rights as the tenant are. Also, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Paperwork and lawyers magically make your shit theirs? Quick eviction process? You're like a scumbag lawyers wet dream. You have no idea what your rights are and you just think you get the short end of the stick as a tenant. Trust me, I'm a landlord, tenants have all the rights in the world.

There are a lot of factors that play into this. What state is he in? Is it a single family home or a multi-unit property? Does he have a lease? Etc, etc, etc.

There are many situations where it's perfectly legal to ask the current tenant to leave and they have to abide. There are plenty of other situations where it's not legal at all.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Having a doctors appointment two weeks in advance and then having to wait a fucking hour before they see me. You would think with all that education they would know what the fucking word appointment means.


Tranny Chaser
Having a doctors appointment two weeks in advance and then having to wait a fucking hour before they see me. You would think with all that education they would know what the fucking word appointment means.

Shame on the doctor for not sticking to a rigid schedule just so you can beat traffic.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Dr appointments are designed to keep the queue full so the Dr. wastes no time and can process the most appointments/do the most procedures. Zero fucks are given about your schedule.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Its the arrogant refusal to engage in any human interaction or to take 2 minutes to enter the request into the computer yourself that really bothers me.
95% of IT workers are completely introverted and have zero social skills/ability. It's not a surprise that they have zero clue on how to handle most human interactions.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I'll chip into the IT guy rustling my jimmies. The good news is his days are numbered. He doesn't know it yet which helps a little more as well.

We have an office of 40 people, another in Phoenix with 10 people and two office for the shops in MS with about 10 people. The entire company is 500ish people and we are owned by the largest steel fabricator on the west coast. They show the San Francisco skyline and they have built 3/4 of them plus baseball stadiums, hospitals etc..Our owner flew in on his private jet last week on his way to Africa and I was in the meeting where he said "Do what it takes to get these people what they want".

Anyway I was hired and it's almost a clandestine type deal. They don't want to rustle the jimmies of the people at the office we are eliminating. They were given the option to relocate all expenses paid but they passed and they are all close to retirement. Because of this they dreamed up a do nothing type title. I'm supposed to be learning how things operate to take over that office and in my contract I will be promoted to a vice president.

Anyway the IT guy has made it his lifes work to make my job hard. The president of the company told him to get whatever I needed and keep it quiet. I am taking over the engineering office and he won't get me anything other than a laptop. I have a laptop and a 21" monitor with a non adjustable monitor stand. No one in the office can run a dual monitor because he builds work stations without the capability. He's old like me at age 45.

He gives me these big talks about he has the budget to buy dual 32" monitors but he sees no use for them.

He's in for a big suprise and he'll be first on the chopping block. He has been with the company too long, got too comfortable and tries to act like management.

In the meeting where I was introduced to the other VP's and a few select other people who were "in on it" we had vide conferening issues and they called him in. He tried to make a point of just sitting down and listening until the president almost had to have him physically removed. Then afterwards the president sent out another email to the particpants saying we would have the same meeting for updates from me every two weeks. He CC'd the IT guy in an effort to get the video conferencing fixed. The IT guy came by and told me he would see me in the meetings and could finally give his 2 cents no the company.

I know, cool story bro. He has a real good job if he would get off his "I"m management" high horse and it's really not very IT demanding. He told me point blank that people with my background normally make about $25/hour. He can't do basic math either apparently. I'm project manager on a $1 billion carbon capture project. I guess the IT guy thinks that should pay more.

Also I use a docking station with my laptop and my keyboard has no Z key. Already talked to the president about it and he's gone, just wanting to clear house all at once and is keeping a log of all the stupid shit.
So youre basically his boss and tell him what to do and he says nah I dont need to do that? lawl.
Check the HUD website for your state to see if he can legally ask you to leave. There are a lot of factors that can play into whether he can legally evict you.
Id assume that means his lease is up then and the new owners arent interested in renewing or his month to month. But yeah man if you currently have a lease that extends past April the new owners have to abide by that lease, it doesnt just become null and void due to new ownership unless theres a clause in your lease for that.

Amazing how it is but so many landlords are complete and absolute pieces of shit. My mothers friend had a similar issue, her landlord sold the condo she was in and the new owner thought she could just kick her out.


Avatar of War Slayer
What the fuck are you talking about? Where did I suggest being a dickhead and fucking the place up? I simply told him to figure out what his rights as the tenant are. Also, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Paperwork and lawyers magically make your shit theirs? Quick eviction process? You're like a scumbag lawyers wet dream. You have no idea what your rights are and you just think you get the short end of the stick as a tenant. Trust me, I'm a landlord, tenants have all the rights in the world.

There are a lot of factors that play into this. What state is he in? Is it a single family home or a multi-unit property? Does he have a lease? Etc, etc, etc.

There are many situations where it's perfectly legal to ask the current tenant to leave and they have to abide. There are plenty of other situations where it's not legal at all.
Of course there are tons of factors- and by quick eviction process (a few months) means that they just instantly start the process rather than dicking around with talking to the tenants. Yes 90% of the paperwork and official red tape that you have to go through to kick someone out of somewhere can be done - lawyers and money make the gears turn faster. And nowhere did I suggest you said for them to be dickheads but there is a very good chance if you call your LL up, who just said "ya need to go in 2 months" and be all "You cant legally do this that and the other" that they are just going to switch gears into defensive mode and "You get legal on me, ill get legal on you" and while there is a lot of protection for tenants because of bad LL - in the end, the LL will always win because they own the stuff. Also if the property is already sold, or set to close there will be more complication and more chance to piss someone off and have them just go all out on your "BUT MY RIGHTS" proclamation - again, before going all SJW on the landlord for giving you only 2ish months (and that's usually sufficient in most states) an actual nice conversation would most likely yield more fruit than starting a legal shitstorm.


What the fuck are you talking about? Where did I suggest being a dickhead and fucking the place up? I simply told him to figure out what his rights as the tenant are. Also, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Paperwork and lawyers magically make your shit theirs? Quick eviction process? You're like a scumbag lawyers wet dream. You have no idea what your rights are and you just think you get the short end of the stick as a tenant. Trust me, I'm a landlord, tenants have all the rights in the world.

There are a lot of factors that play into this. What state is he in? Is it a single family home or a multi-unit property? Does he have a lease? Etc, etc, etc.

There are many situations where it's perfectly legal to ask the current tenant to leave and they have to abide. There are plenty of other situations where it's not legal at all.
I'm pretty sure selling the place is grounds for removal of the tenant, but there may well be a minimum notice issue and I'd hope it was longer than 5 weeks but its possible its not.