Avoid dealerships like the plague, unless it's a recall (freee!). Took the wifes car to the dealership for a recall, the 18 year old punk called us at dinner to say we really need to do the 90,000 mile maintenance, the fluids 'look really brown'. Uh the car has like 14,000 miles, she doesn't go far. Oops, the kid misread the trip meter somehow (900.00 miles), then they didn't even have the recall part in, so we had to come back. ON TOP OF THIS, the manager was begging us to please give them all 5s on the Honda survey, they need to raise their ratings. Maybe if your kid didn't straight up lie to me, but newp!We have a VW in the shop now. If it's waiting on parts, I haven't been told, but it's been in for a long time. But hey, the VW is a jimmy rustle anyway, so here goes.
Car died on my wife right before vacation. I told her to get it to the dealership so they can look at it. Turns out its a clogged Diesel Particulate Filter ... basically their version of a catalytic converter from what I can tell. 3 grand to fix it because it wasn't designed to be replaced, so you have to do the entire exhaust system. The service tech is telling us it's a known VW issue that they will probably be issuing a recall for some time this year. But we have to pay the bill now unless we want to park it until they get around to the recall. He also can't even guess whether we will be reimbursed if and when the recall finally comes. Such bullshit. This is a TDI "cheater diesel", so they already have a rash of shit coming over that. We actually don't give a fuck about it cheating on emissions testing, but now the fucking thing can't be driven reliably and that pisses me off.
I don't really blame the dealership though. The absolute best you could hope for from them is to not make us pay until the recall is issued, then collect it from VW. But if there are a lot to do, that wouldn't be a smart way to run a business.
This thing is a fucking money pit. I'll ignore that the service costs so much from the dealership, because I knew I signed up for that. But everything that breaks (and there has been a lot of shit break) costs an arm and a leg. The cheapest thing so far was rear view mirror, it only cost 4 fingers at a measley $400
Also for my old as shit car, for these fixes I did myself, dealership wanted:
Broken back window? $1500. Bought a whole new back hatch for a few hundred, 2 bolts and it was swapped out.
Hybrid battery pack finally died? $5500! Did it myself, with an 1800MH battery pack instead of lowly 1400MH, for only 1400. Dealerships are just a big scam.