Got into a screaming match with a coworker.
We're both delivery drivers. He got hired on a few months before I did, which in his world means I'm his employee. For the past year I've kept my mouth shut about him nickle and diming me every time we work together. He'd leave me deliveries that were going to the projects because the Kang nogs don't tip, take more than his fair share on every rotation, and lecture me constantly about following the rules (which changed regularly to suit his needs.) Today we go in the order of the tickets' arrival because I suggest grouping them in a sensible fashion. Tomorrow we do them in groups so he can take a bunch all going to the same area while I'm stuck driving all over the fucking city with the leftovers.
Went pretty well. I don't know how a pathological liar's head works but it made it incredibly easy to explain to the manager how and why I was getting fucked over by this guy, because in his genius/desperation to win an argument, he accused me of pulling the shit he does to me. That's fine I guess?
Writing's on the wall. I don't want to work with him anymore, and the manager was pretty unequivocal about the fact that he prefers my work standards over fatso's. Fully intend to weasel up another altercation to get him kicked off his Friday shift permanently.