Are you sure it wasn't seagulls fighting over a french fry? When you're a virgin your perspective gets a bit warped.lately Ive been noticing a lot of kissing in public.
what the fuck.
Speaking of farm shit where'sBorzak
As of the first of this year the veterinary feed directive took effect which now requires a vet prescription for a lot of animal antibiotics. Some of the farmers are losing their fucking mind because we can't make the feed the way that "want" it without having to bring the vet out.
This directive has been in the works for a while and hasn't just appeared out of no where. Dunno why they weren't ready for it. Was also long over do as a lot of farmers were misusing the antibiotics and just putting them in as prevention just because.
Had one day he'll never order feed from us again for trying to "nickel and dime" them. 2 days later orders his batch anyways without the meds.
The Consumerist has done a ton of reporting on this: 6 Things You Should Know About The Use Of Antibiotics On Farm Animals
From my understanding it is federal. It mainly was about sulfa antibiotics. For our mill it mainly had an impact on tylosin, chlortetracycline, and oxytetracycline. Not sure what you're buying. We don't really handle a lot of meds, our big one is monensin, which oddly enough doesn't require a scrip.
Edit: it is nation wideHoss