8 out of 10 pictures and gifs on this site being broken and not showing up, in any thread.
Speeding ticket. 40 in a 25. WILCO. FML. $200 bucks.
For fucks sake now my phones camera lense fucking shattered. On top of that the fucking propane tank connection on my fucking grill fucking broke.
People who don't turn off the smooth motion on their new TV.
Brother in law has it turned on for some reason (I assume for years now). It looks especially terrible when there's any CGI.
That rustles my jimmies so fucking much. And extra rustling because they make you feel like the asshole just for mentioning it because they can't see it and think you are just being a little bitch.Quoting this for rustleminder
That rustles my jimmies so fucking much. And extra rustling because they make you feel like the asshole just for mentioning it because they can't see it and think you are just being a little bitch.
Thanks for linking that, I never would have seen it otherwise. Now do me another solid and link this Twitch whore you mentioned? Thanks!
My little sister's dog was heading out to the back yard when suddenly it's yelping in pain and can't use his rear legs. Vet wants $3500 for a fucking MRI.