fucking moron I work with cannot say anything right
"When you go to Vegas you should stay at Mandolin Bay"
"Oh man that guy is smoking like a fish"
*looking at menu* "Hey guys what is an "ave-ah-k-toe"
"When the news says there is 75 percent precipitation, does that mean like the chance it rains or how much of t he day its going to rain"?
"This is a critical process we can't afford more than 90% downtime"
i mean, be honest, do you really spend more than 10% of your day working?
Pretending to work is work.
Fucking this. I will endure the eyesore of a car parked in a shitty manner or some weeds in a yard so I dont have to worry about some inbred fuck with nothing better to do than use the HOA as a means to enable their personal vendettas.Fuck HOAs. Mine is voluntary and I didn't volunteer. Last year they were trying to change the deed restrictions so we went to the annual meeting and gave them hell. There were about 6 other people there (out of maybe a dozen total) for the exact same reason. Only showing up because of the proposed deed. And you people who are worried that the neighbors have cars and dishwashers in their yard can get fucked, you're just as bad as any busybody on the HOA board. It's their property and it's not your business what they wanna put where.
But muh property values! It's a house, not a 401k. Fucking live in it and enjoy the smell of freedom.
Anyway, my rustle: There are 2 toll roads I use to get to work, and there's no exit/on ramp between them. You have to exit and go through 2 lights. This morning someone apparently ran the red light and hit someone so one of the intersections was blocked. I hate every motherfucker who was in the meeting where they decided the 2 roads I fucking pay to be on didn't need direct access to each other. I even hate the 1 or 2 who did want a flyover and got outvoted because they weren't loud enough.
We've got a guy like that here too, he drives me fucking nuts. His thing is saying a word that sort of sounds like the one he means to say. I'm horrible at remembering specifics, but along the lines of the Mandolin Bay thing. It is like he gets tongue-tied or something because half the time it isn't even a real word, it is just a mish-mash of sounds that sort of resemble the real word.fucking moron I work with cannot say anything right
"When you go to Vegas you should stay at Mandolin Bay"
"Oh man that guy is smoking like a fish"
*looking at menu* "Hey guys what is an "ave-ah-k-toe"
"When the news says there is 75 percent precipitation, does that mean like the chance it rains or how much of t he day its going to rain"?
He also tells every story twice, in the same retelling, without any pause where you could even interrupt. Like, "So I went to dinner and blah blah blah and I told that waiter to send it back and make it right. I'm not kidding, I went to dinner, blah blah blah, and I told him, you send it back and make it right." Yeah, I got it the first time Braniac! FUCK!
We have one of these at work but it's worse. They pretty much design/coded/helped build out the entire company platform in IT so even if you make a casual joke on how something works, let alone actually ask how something works, you get at least 3-4 repeats of the exact A-Z of it all. If you even mispeak slightly, you get the whole spiel and you can't just say "I mispoke, we've talked about this just last week, I KNOW HOW IT WORKS". Really nice person but god damn it's someone that you ask yes/no questions only
He can enjoy his mold from leaving it for days. Even if he's the kind of fag that gets overwhelmed and doesnt know where to start, he should have at least followed others lead once there.Someone I know had really bad basement flooding over the last week, as many people have here. He sent out a call to help rip out drywall and help get the basement cleaned up. You bet! I'm always game to help someone in a tough situation. So me and five buddies show up. He hasn't started, or done a single thing. He's lived with it for a few days, and just asked for help before even starting to help himself. Who the hell does that? If it were my basement, I'd be down there ripping crap out immediately, and if I were overwhelmed, I'd ask for help only AFTER I had put in a good effort to get it done myself.
Once we got there, he made himself busy with other stuff and left us to work on the basement. We stayed about an hour, got a little done, and left. What the heck?
He can enjoy his mold from leaving it for days. Even if he's the kind of fag that gets overwhelmed and doesnt know where to start, he should have at least followed others lead once there.
He can enjoy his mold from leaving it for days. Even if he's the kind of fag that gets overwhelmed and doesnt know where to start, he should have at least followed others lead once there.