Sometimes it feels good to vent to complete strangers! Knock on wood, but at the moment stuff is lining up right for me, so I don't mind listening to people vent if it makes them feel even 1% better.
"Don't want to kill myself quickly so I do it slowly with sugar and calories and lack of exercise"
I drink way too much goddamn Mt dew, as in I cap myself at 4 cans under the guise of not being TOO unhealthy. I eat way too much sugar too, and game all day when not at work(which is also sedentary). Feel free to laugh, but I actually got some motivation from the One Punch Man series. Sure it's silly anime, but I got a deeper meaning from it after watching the whole 1st season. He works out just a little every day, so I tried it too. Waiting for mana to regen on your 51st attempt at an EQ1 TLE server? Do some exercises in your chair chair like lifts, dips etc. Everytime you brush your teeth do situps the whole time (just don't choke

). Never use elevators, there's stairs nearby.
It all adds up. You can eat somewhat shitty and still lose weight. Disclaimer: I don't drink, so there's a lot of calories I'm missing. So maybe it's easier for me than heavy drinkers