Ahn'Qiraj Raider
- 1,197
- 4,800
Thanks, I didn't know....
I was unspokenly basically asking for confirmation if that's true... as well as to the benefit to others that didn't realize that can actually be dangerous.
Speaking of this and rustles, there is a stoplight that crosses a light rail track that I pass through every work day for the past 20 years. It has several (easy to see and read) signs posted prohibiting right turns on red because there would be 3 or 4 cars stacked up on the tracks if it were allowed. Every so often I'll be waiting at that light and some jackass is getting antsy because I'm not turning on red. They'll honk or edge up or even try to sneak past over the curb. My biggest rustle isn't actually the people doing that, it is the fact that I am certain the vast majority of them never even see the signs and assume I'm the asshole in the situation. Often I yell out my window to read the fucking sign and point at it, but if their window is closed they probably just assume I'm a nutjob or something.turning right at a red light is pretty new too, so?
People who have to drive through a parking space to park in the one in front of them. I know I gonna take flak for this because most of you fuckers probably do this maneuver, but what in the hell is wrong with nosing into a spot and backing out when you leave? Doesn't your reverse gear operate? Are you incapable of backing up without running into something? Are you that fucking lazy that you can't turn your head to see what's behind you and back out?
I know this is a losing battle but maybe we can compromise. If you insist on parking like a douche, can you at least learn how long your car/truck is so that you don't overhang into the spot behind you and take up two spaces?
Years and years ago I watched a cop waving people over immediately after they turned right, where another cop was waiting to give them a ticket. People would literally do it right in front of him, within plain sight of everyone being pulled over, simply because they never even look up for the fucking signs. I am fairly certain every single one of them was mystified as to why they were being pulled over until it was explained (and then probably didn't understand why turning was prohibited). Honestly if I were a cop looking to meet a ticket quota, that's the spot I'd sit at. If the tickets didn't take any time to write, I'm confident you could get 50+ an hour, easy.
Lol that reminds me of one place in Florida I used to live where the cops would sit at the corner with 3-5 of them (mostly motorcycle cops) and pull over everyone speeding through the school zone. Every now and then someone would keep going and one of the cops would have to chase them, probably because they were oblivious to literally anything going on as opposed to actually trying to run from the cops.
Got halfway through the swamp donkey of the year thread before realizing I had Trex on ignore, had to unblock and go back through...