When people post screenshots of their phone and their phone battery is almost dead. Charge your fucking phone you loser.
Taste like chicken.Apparently I'm not human.
My sister got my dad one of those kits to subit your DNA for whatever reason. I saw him do the deal and put it in the envelope. They sent back they need another sample since the submitted DNA was not human.
Been living with my mom for the last few years while I deal with cancer, and it's really getting hard. I can tell she resents me being here, and it's getting hard to deal with. There's no way I can afford my own place on my meager disability pay. Not sure what to do.
So tired of being sick, really been thinking a lot about offing myself. If I didn't have loved ones I would. Sometimes I wish I had never gotten involved with my girlfriend, just so I wouldn't feel as bad about killing myself.
Been living with my mom for the last few years while I deal with cancer, and it's really getting hard. I can tell she resents me being here, and it's getting hard to deal with. There's no way I can afford my own place on my meager disability pay. Not sure what to do.
So tired of being sick, really been thinking a lot about offing myself. If I didn't have loved ones I would. Sometimes I wish I had never gotten involved with my girlfriend, just so I wouldn't feel as bad about killing myself.
So a while back, our apartment notified us about redoing the linen closet and putting in an in-unit washer/dryer combo. Regardless of whether we got the combo or not, they were still going to fuck up the closet so we just decided to get the thing, at a cool $50/mo extra. They ran the pipes, etc. a while back and, while it looked dubious, we reserved judgement until they actually installed the thing. Well, it came in today and this is the result. Fucking thing doesn't go anywhere close to the back of the closet, so it juts out and blocks a third of the entrance to our bathroom now. There's a 14in gap behind the thing for our cats to go back there and do what-the-fuck-ever, which is now going to bug me anytime we have to go out and leave them alone now. Oh, and my short ass now can't reach the only shelf left in the damn closet. The unit itself seems nice enough, but this install job is the most half-assed aids thing I think I've seen. Oh, and now we have a spare door just sitting around in the apartment now. Not sure wtf they want us to do with it.
Decided that since the dumb washer/dryer is here, might as well try it out! Threw in half a load of towels. 3 and a half hours later, they came out wet. Just going to tell them to get rid of the damn thing.
Some dumbass did this shit to me, from a red light, but they were turning left from the middle lane and the left lane turns onto a one lane road so they almost fucking hit me. People fucking suck at driving and I can't wait until robots take over for everyone who has been in more than one accident, or for idiots like this who I hope will opt out of driving because they're so inept at paying attention to the simplest of things.People who react like assholes when their wrong actions are pointed out.
At an intersection with a left only and right only lane. Truck is in the right only lane with left turn signal on. I get in the left only lane and almost start to turn when the truck turns left in front of me. I honk my horn (max one second) and he stops in the intersecting lane to turn around in his car and flip me off. He was the incorrect, unsafe dipshit but reacts even more strongly than I did.
Looked like he was going to try and stay stopped to block me (what, he wanted a fight?) but a bunch of cars were coming so he moved on.
I also saw him turn on to the road with the two lanes and there was no reason he couldn't have got in the correct lane. They were marked clearly enough, too, if a bit weathered.
That shit annoys me. You want to get angry over you being a dipshit? Loser.
A few years back when I was between jobs, I did pizza delivery.