Ahn'Qiraj Raider
- 4,501
- 6,087
dumb ass texan spotted lmao
Verified fucking moron spotted. GJ.
dumb ass texan spotted lmao
The Texas power grid is almost entirely independent from the national grid. The last time Texas lost/interrupted power happened for a prolonged time, the Federal fucking government advised the local officials of Texas to get their shit together so this wouldn’t happen again. Yet it happened again. Stupid is as stupid does.
The Texas power grid is almost entirely independent from the national grid.
Going to have to show me where the power went out. I just said I don’t remember energy losses in weather like this before.
Where do you get this retarded shit? How does Texas sell power to california if they're independent? Why did Texas black out it's own citizens to send power to Louisiana if it's cut off from everyone else?
LMGTFY - Let Me Google That For You
For all those people who find it more convenient to bother you with their question rather than to Google it for themselves.lmgtfy.app
Hoss your inability to read or search does not mean it’s retarded shit. It means you’re an incompetent fuckwit who refuses to believe the truth.
I'm in a hotel for pre flight covid screening. Not allowed to leave except for screenings, they even bring me food. That's not even what's rustling anymore because it's been like this all year. This time there's a security guard stationed outside my room which means I have to actually get dressed to grab my food and dump my trash. She's not a1lways there, but I can't see her chair through the peep sight, so I just have to get dressed.
I'm not sure if she can hear the porn I'm playing and I don't really care.
I'm in a hotel for pre flight covid screening. Not allowed to leave except for screenings, they even bring me food. That's not even what's rustling anymore because it's been like this all year. This time there's a security guard stationed outside my room which means I have to actually get dressed to grab my food and dump my trash. She's not a1lways there, but I can't see her chair through the peep sight, so I just have to get dressed.
I'm not sure if she can hear the porn I'm playing and I don't really care.
I'm not really in to white girls.TUrn it up louder and see if she knocks on the door...
I still laugh about the guy I used to work with who gave 3 months notice. He was about a week away from getting fired but the boss was a weenie so he let him stay for 3 months.