Am I the only veteran(let alone one who spent a year in a combat zone) who isnt on disability at all, or even filed a claim of any sort?
Week ago talk to a friend while hes in the hospital and he mentions hes 40% disabled, $1400/month for life. Now this guy deployed to Afghanistan, got hit by a few ieds so I dont think to much of it.
Out of the blue a guy I used to work called me up. Ask him what hes been doing and he says nothing, im 100% disabled. $4800/month for life. Goes onto tell me just about everyone we worked with has some sort of disability or is working on a claim. Some of these guys never even left the States and deployed like me. From what hes said none of these dudes have like actual my leg got ran over by a forklift at work type claims, just oh this is an issue for me now in my mid 30s etc.
I honestly feel like a fucking retard here.
Huh, until I read this post I assumed I was the only one who felt this way. Both of my neighbors retired from some service (Air Force on one side, Coast Guard on the other). When I first moved in, the black dude was bitching that he could 'only' get 90% disability. Fast forward a few years, and he finally got 100%. Now his pension is 100% tax free, he pays no property tax on house or car, and his kid goes to college free. PTSD. He did IT work. Never left the states.
CG guy was a CWO but on the supply side, never left the states or office (ie never deployed). Also 100%. Both of these asshats are out there either playing BBall with their kid, or carrying heavy shit above their head on a ladder working on their house. A Gunners Mate friend on Facebook is also 100%, but welds heavy equipment and lifts what no 'disabled' person should. It punishes the good people like you and I who don't follow the TAPS advice to see what sticks. I get mad everytime I pay my stupid car and house state tax, plus income tax.
FWIW there are still a lot of us who are at 0%. I did almost 27 years, but took care of myself. I figure that if I can run around with the kids, and still be active like I was in my teens because I took care of myself, there's people out there with real disabilities that need the money. Not a dig at people with actual service related injuries. This is what the program is for.
I'm not above snitching out people cheating the system, but like Kithani said, you can't really test for PTSD. And these asshats plan this out years before they retire. I did get a high school acquaintance kicked off the Connecticut disability system by anonymously sending screenshots of him he posted using the ol' Xbox Kinect jumping around, squatting, and lifting despite claiming 100% because of a bad back. They took him off the roster, and last I heard actually paid for his bus ticket to Ohio. WTF? lol
Anyway, if it's really blatant (and people LOVE to post shit on Facebook bragging) use :
Veteran's Benefits
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