Gift cards rustle my jimmies. They aren't gifts, they're just private tender. It's more appropriate for Hanukkah.
I unchose mine. I unchose everyone whose lives weren't on an upward trajectory.I had a family member show up. Unannounced. He wanted to come for new years because we always have such a good party. I do not like this family member, he's a complete fuck up, and constantly asks his siblings for money. Doesn't have a permanent job, is 40 years old. And now he's here. I told him flat out that he should go home (about 1 hour away), he laughed it off, and my wife told him to put his stuff in the guest room. He has been sitting in front of our television since he's been here. My wife says to ignore him for a couple days and then he'll disappear, which is true. However, he's such a douche canoe that I really don't want him here. All five kids are home, so we were already pretty full.
Don't you wish you could choose your family?
I had a family member show up. Unannounced. He wanted to come for new years because we always have such a good party. I do not like this family member, he's a complete fuck up, and constantly asks his siblings for money. Doesn't have a permanent job, is 40 years old. And now he's here. I told him flat out that he should go home (about 1 hour away), he laughed it off, and my wife told him to put his stuff in the guest room. He has been sitting in front of our television since he's been here. My wife says to ignore him for a couple days and then he'll disappear, which is true. However, he's such a douche canoe that I really don't want him here. All five kids are home, so we were already pretty full.
Don't you wish you could choose your family?
Welll? Are you having a good party this year?
Is he your relative or your wife's relative?I had a family member show up. Unannounced. He wanted to come for new years because we always have such a good party. I do not like this family member, he's a complete fuck up, and constantly asks his siblings for money. Doesn't have a permanent job, is 40 years old. And now he's here. I told him flat out that he should go home (about 1 hour away), he laughed it off, and my wife told him to put his stuff in the guest room. He has been sitting in front of our television since he's been here. My wife says to ignore him for a couple days and then he'll disappear, which is true. However, he's such a douche canoe that I really don't want him here. All five kids are home, so we were already pretty full.
Don't you wish you could choose your family?
Is he your relative or your wife's relative?
If mine I'd tell him to gtfo. If wife's I'd tell her to tell him to gtfo. The way my wife and I do our house is either of us have a veto about who comes over or who stays. It helps that we both basically hate having people at our house.
Good outcome. Only event like that I had was at my wedding my brother came and brought his trailer-park girlfriend at the time and she caused a disturbance. My wife's dad asked me if I objected to her being thrown out (which would definitely result in my brother being thrown out as well) and I said nope, their behavior their problem. The restaurant we were at handled it and asked them to leave and they did. No punches thrown, but it would have been funnier if they did. Hah.Wife's brother. I actually told him to get out just a little bit ago. Told him what I thought of him, and told him he can never come again without discussion and consent. He tried to punch me. He's big, fat, and slow. I avoided, he fell. My wife helped him up and then punched him in the face. He left immediately.
This is very outside my world. I usually have my family shit together. My youngest son asked if Uncle ******** was ever coming again. I told him I doubt it, and he replied with "Oh thanks be praised." (Thanks be praised is a family joke we do.) When a 15 year old decides he never wants to see you again I think you should make better life choices.
So, to be honest, this has gone from a jimmy rustle to a huge win. I hope I never see him again.
This is the only way to deal with fuck ups. Make them gone and make them stay gone. I did that a long time ago, and I am sure I am not missing out on anything. The thing with adults who are fuck ups is they never stop being fuck ups, and eventually they'll bring the stink around to your household unless you give them the business end of a boot.Wife's brother. I actually told him to get out just a little bit ago. Told him what I thought of him, and told him he can never come again without discussion and consent. He tried to punch me. He's big, fat, and slow. I avoided, he fell. My wife helped him up and then punched him in the face. He left immediately.
This is very outside my world. I usually have my family shit together. My youngest son asked if Uncle ******** was ever coming again. I told him I doubt it, and he replied with "Oh thanks be praised." (Thanks be praised is a family joke we do.) When a 15 year old decides he never wants to see you again I think you should make better life choices.
So, to be honest, this has gone from a jimmy rustle to a huge win. I hope I never see him again.
As someone who works in television that sounds like their Air Playout server crapped the bed. We have a backup plan if ours ever goes out and it plays pretty much spots/I.Ds off of a tape machine old school style. Runs over 30 minutes. Ususally we can get everything restarted in that time frame.I just got a haircut and the barber shop had Discovery channel on.
From the moment I sat down and told the barber what I wanted, to the moment I stood up and paid him, nothing played on the TV except for commercials. Non-stop commercials over the entire course of the haircut.
Wife's brother. I actually told him to get out just a little bit ago. Told him what I thought of him, and told him he can never come again without discussion and consent. He tried to punch me. He's big, fat, and slow. I avoided, he fell. My wife helped him up and then punched him in the face. He left immediately.
This is very outside my world. I usually have my family shit together. My youngest son asked if Uncle ******** was ever coming again. I told him I doubt it, and he replied with "Oh thanks be praised." (Thanks be praised is a family joke we do.) When a 15 year old decides he never wants to see you again I think you should make better life choices.
So, to be honest, this has gone from a jimmy rustle to a huge win. I hope I never see him again.
It's a shame that kiddo doesn't have a fat yet fun Uncle, but he's better off with no uncle sounds like.
He has another fat uncle who is awesome and hilarious.
Lol, I got fired last night because I told my boss I wasn't gonna stay 2 hours late to do inventory and now today I find out he's telling everyone I was yelling at him and quit etc.