Whats rustling your jimmies?


Trump's Staff
Having a doctors appointment two weeks in advance and then having to wait a fucking hour before they see me. You would think with all that education they would know what the fucking word appointment means.
If the doctor you're seeing accepts Medicare, which is most of them, standard practice today is to double book every appointment slot. Based on how many people didn't show up, you end up waiting 1-3 hours. They have to do it to remain in business, Medicare pays so little and they never know what the private insurers are going to deny so they have to pack in as many patients as possible.

If you don't want to wait, you need to shell out for a concierge doctor or see one that doesn't accept insurance at all and pay cash for everything.


Got something right about marriage
Of course there are tons of factors- and by quick eviction process (a few months) means that they just instantly start the process rather than dicking around with talking to the tenants. Yes 90% of the paperwork and official red tape that you have to go through to kick someone out of somewhere can be done - lawyers and money make the gears turn faster. And nowhere did I suggest you said for them to be dickheads but there is a very good chance if you call your LL up, who just said "ya need to go in 2 months" and be all "You cant legally do this that and the other" that they are just going to switch gears into defensive mode and "You get legal on me, ill get legal on you" and while there is a lot of protection for tenants because of bad LL - in the end, the LL will always win because they own the stuff. Also if the property is already sold, or set to close there will be more complication and more chance to piss someone off and have them just go all out on your "BUT MY RIGHTS" proclamation - again, before going all SJW on the landlord for giving you only 2ish months (and that's usually sufficient in most states) an actual nice conversation would most likely yield more fruit than starting a legal shitstorm.
You have no idea what you're talking about.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
So youre basically his boss and tell him what to do and he says nah I dont need to do that? lawl.

Id assume that means his lease is up then and the new owners arent interested in renewing or his month to month. But yeah man if you currently have a lease that extends past April the new owners have to abide by that lease, it doesnt just become null and void due to new ownership unless theres a clause in your lease for that.

Amazing how it is but so many landlords are complete and absolute pieces of shit. My mothers friend had a similar issue, her landlord sold the condo she was in and the new owner thought she could just kick her out.
Because of the way the company is transistioning he doesn't know I will shortly be his bossy. Problem solved itself when I brought it to the attention of the president.

The guy does have some qualities that would be hard to replace since he keeps our shop equipment up and running that is almost 30 years old and some of it was computer interfaced almost 30 years ago even tho the equipment itself might be closer to 50. We're almost the last company in the US still doing what we do, almost all has been outsourced to Asia.

Anyway he talked back to the president and was given a couple of choices. Start doing his job and with a good attitude, look for a new job quickly, or transfer to our shop in MS where a lot of the equipment is and work from there with no travel privelages which he abuses now AND do his job.

I liked option #3 since he is from CA and talks about bad our industry is while enjoying a 6 figure salary with no IT degree. We're 45 minutes from Austin. I'm pretty sure we could find an IT person quickly even if we had to throw more money at it.

Now the real shit begins since he's now been informed I will be his boss news is going to spread thru the company and the real shit starts since I'm here to eliminate an office, but they were given the option of an early retirement buyout, relocate at company expense or take their chances. They're all 62+ and nobody took the early retirement buyout which would have paid them a full salary with a bonus up to their 65th birthday. Oh well they've been told for 5 years it was coming and nobody took it serious.

Todays Jimmies Rustledbecause I had to take a 15 mile detour and come to find out, it was a detour but I could have turned thru a subdivision and it would have been 2 blocks. Apparently they didn't want the detor to go thru a residential area and instead made the detour 15 miles along another highway until it ran into the MS river and back again.


Having a doctors appointment two weeks in advance and then having to wait a fucking hour before they see me. You would think with all that education they would know what the fucking word appointment means.
Being on a narcotic for probably the rest of my life due to a closed head injury. Moving out of state. Spending five months "shopping" for a doc whose office will even consider prescribing it to a new patient despite the fact I have a letter of introduction from my former PCP as well as my original chart containing every piece of info from my PCP from age 10-22 and 25-29 during which periods he was the only PCP I saw. Asking three times "Are you sure your office will prescribe my medication if I have proper documentation?" and being told "Yes" three times. Driving two hours through snow in below freezing weather with no heater to go to my appointment. Getting there and spending three hours going through new patient processing. Getting told by the doc ""I don't prescribe this to new patients." Get fucked dude. Get fucked DEA. Get fucked every single person in the god damn world. I'm in fucking Arkansas if all I wanted was to get high on amphetamines I WOULDN'T BE GOING TO A FUCKING DOCTOR FOR THAT HERE. Paying $130 to be treated like a fucking med seeker when I have goddamn decades of documentation regarding attempts at alternative treatments and satisfactory results from the one med that works and isn't $500 for a months supply.


Got something right about marriage
Being on a narcotic for probably the rest of my life due to a closed head injury. Moving out of state. Spending five months "shopping" for a doc whose office will even consider prescribing it to a new patient despite the fact I have a letter of introduction from my former PCP as well as my original chart containing every piece of info from my PCP from age 10-22 and 25-29 during which periods he was the only PCP I saw. Asking three times "Are you sure your office will prescribe my medication if I have proper documentation?" and being told "Yes" three times. Driving two hours through snow in below freezing weather with no heater to go to my appointment. Getting there and spending three hours going through new patient processing. Getting told by the doc ""I don't prescribe this to new patients." Get fucked dude. Get fucked DEA. Get fucked every single person in the god damn world. I'm in fucking Arkansas if all I wanted was to get high on amphetamines I WOULDN'T BE GOING TO A FUCKING DOCTOR FOR THAT HERE. Paying $130 to be treated like a fucking med seeker when I have goddamn decades of documentation regarding attempts at alternative treatments and satisfactory results from the one med that works and isn't $500 for a months supply.
What would really rustle your jimmies is that, as someone who writes fraud prevention and data analysis software for the State of CT's Medicaid program, ER doctors don't give a shit at all and will write anyone, pretty much any prescription without looking at history.

I've seen cases of patients having visited various ER's in the state over 200 times and receiving over 100 prescriptions from 50-60 different doctors within a 6 month period. And it's all covered by Medicaid.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Went to one of the beststeakhousesin town for lunch today. A group of women come in and sit near me and they all order the vegetarian burger. There are literally dozens of vegetarian joints in the town, why the fuck come to a damn steakhouse to order a vegetarian burger? And for that matter, why the fuck does one of the best steakhouses in town have a vegetarian burger on their menu at all? Jimmies rustled.


Avatar of War Slayer
Went to one of the beststeakhousesin town for lunch today. A group of women come in and sit near me and they all order the vegetarian burger. There are literally dozens of vegetarian joints in the town, why the fuck come to a damn steakhouse to order a vegetarian burger? And for that matter, why the fuck does one of the best steakhouses in town have a vegetarian burger on their menu at all? Jimmies rustled.
It's not really a veggie burger- they are secretly converting them. Few months from now when they all have been eating them for a while - BOOM they are meat! AND YOU LOVE IT, DIRTY HIPPIES!