Whats rustling your jimmies?


Shit Lord Supreme
Fire Saftey inspector tells the apt complex everyone has to remove their doormats because its a tripping hazard.
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Got a cramp in my calf from stretching in the middle of the night and the shit is still sore. Also, at work and can't play wow.
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Molten Core Raider
Got a cramp in my calf from stretching in the middle of the night and the shit is still sore. Also, at work and can't play wow.

Welcome to getting old, where doing literally nothing can leave you injured/sore for days!
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<Gold Donor>
Quest Diagnostics...
I'm assuming you walked in, and that's what is rustling your jimmies. Make an appointment, only way to go there. Never, ever walk in unless you can see that there is no one inside. Now, I've still been in one where I made an appointment and they didn't even take my paperwork until an hour after the scheduled time, but generally they are pretty good with appointments.

Also, find the one that is often just a mile further away, but not as busy. I used to go to the one near my doctor's office and that was jam-packed no matter the time of day. Found one literally a mile away on a side street that is awesome. Not only do they have significantly less volume, but most of the employees make a point of yelling out "<Insert Name> FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT" so that people don't give you the evil eye, and so that more people find out they take appointments, which makes it easier on the staff. Of course, the majority of the people going there as walk-ins probably don't have a computer/phone with data or the capacity to understand how to make an appointment even if they get to the site, but that's not my problem.

If your rustling is something different, my condolences. Hope you didn't have to sit there for hours with all the welfare moms taking their maternity diabetes tests for several hours, usually with their half dozen children running around with no supervision or fucks given.
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Avatar of War Slayer
It was "just a drop off" and had nothing to do with wait time - this time... I or my wife have been forced to interact with these drudges of humanity three times and every single time nothing happens as it should, ever.

My father works as a driver for their other main competition - he gets his and my mothers labs for free as a perk and even he just goes to the main plant when poss to avoid draw stations- its universal. I need to find a doctor that has a lab in house, although that's very, very rare now days - my mom's office used to have one.
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<Gold Donor>
The thing I find interesting is that I just went through a lot of tests for my cat at the vet recently, and every single blood test was done in-house, with the results returned in 15 minutes or less. Sometimes under 5. Why can't doctors do that shit, instead of sending us to spend potentially hours at the draw place, and then more time returning to the doctor's office with a new appointment that they rarely meet anyway?

Wait, I just answered my own question, it is because I have to pay my copay again, and they get to bill my insurance for another visit. Can't wait until Obama's plan fixes all this!! (Sarcasm font)
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Or doctor's offices don't want the hassle of employing additional people to perform diagnostics tests, pay upfront for equipment and continually for maintenance and reagents, ensure they comply with necessary regulations, and so on.
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Tranny Chaser
Or doctor's offices don't want the hassle of employing additional people to perform diagnostics tests, pay upfront for equipment and continually for maintenance and reagents, ensure they comply with necessary regulations, and so on.
Spent all them dollars on hot nurses. Can't have it all, bro.
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Buzzfeed Editor
trex trex BMI thread saying I am overweight, rustling me something fierce right now.

From friends and folk in military and when I was younger. I think the scale is kinda shitty at the very high and low ends. when it probably should be a bit of a curve. .mil folk that are all muscle but trying to drop weight because it causes their bmi to be too high, seems to usually be the tall folk 6' plus.

Says I should be 175 to be at the UPPER end of healthy at 6foot. Fucking nutzo that's nutzo because then being in the middle/thin area is like 150? Yeah congrats on being the equiv of a 5ft4 80lb female.
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Avatar of War Slayer
BMI is fuxxed... I am 6"8' and there is no way I am going to be 210 lb... the LOWEST I ever was after diet exercise etc. was 226 and I looked messed up. Even then I was what, 1 point over/under obese? or overweight one of them... LOL just did a random BMI search and put in my stuff to get the number and the first thing it says is "at 6foot 8inch BMI is not the best measurement of weight and impact on health, so take this advice with a grain of salt..." lol What I weigh now- yeah, I need to loose a good 50lb but when I was at my lowest it was not good. BMI is stupid.
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Tranny Chaser
From friends and folk in military and when I was younger. I think the scale is kinda shitty at the very high and low ends. when it probably should be a bit of a curve. .mil folk that are all muscle but trying to drop weight because it causes their bmi to be too high, seems to usually be the tall folk 6' plus.

Says I should be 175 to be at the UPPER end of healthy at 6foot. Fucking nutzo that's nutzo because then being in the middle/thin area is like 150? Yeah congrats on being the equiv of a 5ft4 80lb female.
Naturally fat saturation and muscle mass has to be factored in. But it's not convenient in a clinical setting.


Queen Bee
I'll go ahead and even extend that to people. Local couple here in town got rear-ended by a semi and their 2 kids in the back seat were killed, horrible thing. Parents survived with relatively minor injuries.

The Gofundme/kickstarter or whatever it is is up to almost $200,000. Look, losing a kid is horrible, I can't imagine losing two...but why do these people need $200,000? 2 Funerals is maybe $50k at MOST, you'd have to go all out to even spend that much. Those kids weren't income-generating members of the household. This isn't the husband dying and the family is now destitute because he was the only household income. So I guess congrats on getting your house paid off since you lost your kids? Shit makes no logical sense whatsoever.

And not only is the gofundme up to 200 grand, there's a big fund raiser dinner/charity event scheduled in town on top of that, for $30 per ticket. Christ.

Hate to play Devils advocate but I definitely would donate to that. One of my GFs from high school lost her son last year. Toddler hit by a car. It was seriously tragic and they also got a ton of money from gofundme or whatever. It's not just the funerals. Parents missing work, like tons of work, parents needing therapy, tons of therapy. Parents so depressed they can barely get up and put on fresh clothes. Needing help cooking, cleaning, etc.

They also got their son on the second round of IVF. Did IVF 8ish mo after his death to have their second. Took 4 rounds.

I think I donated $200 and sent a meal. My stepdad vaguely remembered her & her family and donated $500. I hope/know all other friends and acquaintances did something. It's a powerful feeling to know that if a tragedy strikes your family you have a community of friends and family to back you up.

I'd need to be sedated if I lost my kids.
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Potato del Grande
Hate to play Devils advocate but I definitely would donate to that. One of my GFs from high school lost her son last year. Toddler hit by a car. It was seriously tragic...

You actually love to play Devil's advocate?

But that seriously sucks. And seriously thanks for explaining that a toddler hit by a car was seriously tragic. Like literally seriously, I bet. I can't even, guys, seriously. Anyhoo.
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You actually love to play Devil's advocate?

But that seriously sucks. And seriously thanks for explaining that a toddler hit by a car was seriously tragic. Like literally seriously, I bet. I can't even, guys, seriously. Anyhoo.
Someone's still salty he's a fat fuck that needs to walk across parking lots in the heat
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Queen Bee
Someone's still salty he's a fat fuck that needs to walk across parking lots in the heat

God seriously. My BMI thread prob triggered the fuck out of him. Hes the fattest fatty on rererolled. BMI of 46.

...and even though you obviously know me MOpopsicledeath I was saying I don't mean to play Devils advocate in a thread about complaining. Just mentioning that there is a lot more to it than just paying for funerals.
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Potato del Grande
Someone's still salty he's a fat fuck that needs to walk across parking lots in the heat

I'm not sure what crawled up your ass other than enjoying tag teaming with your bestie Trex, but I seriously doubt everyone want to see you taking random, usually off topic, rarely funny "ur fat" pot shots at me anytime I post anything.

Usually it's if Trex is involved, which is a pretty embarrassing hook to hang your white-knight armor from. And if it were funnier, you'd have a point. But really, boring effort at shit-trolling.

Feel free to think you got me good like Farva from Super Troopers, but it's really just unimaginative and uninteresting at this point and I doubt people want to keep sifting through the same shitpost insult over and over because you have a hard-on for a fat dude on a forum and/or Trex.

Like seriously I can't even.
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Potato del Grande
I was saying I don't mean to play Devils advocate in a thread about complaining. Just mentioning that there is a lot more to it than just paying for funerals.

You do mean to do the thing you did after saying you didn't mean to or you either wouldn't have done it or wouldn't have said it. SJW level self awareness there. And it and shit like "seriously" are like major rustles, ya dig?

I fall in the camp that people with jobs shouldn't get a monetary payout just because something seriously tragic happened and they're too depressed to go to work. Making them a casserole is the kind of valued community support I prefer, though, so kudos there.
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You do mean to do the thing you did after saying you didn't mean to or you either wouldn't have done it or wouldn't have said it. SJW level self awareness there. And it and shit like "seriously" are like major rustles, ya dig?

I fall in the camp that people with jobs shouldn't get a monetary payout just because something seriously tragic happened and they're too depressed to go to work. Making them a casserole is the kind of valued community support I prefer, though, so kudos there.
You would think baking a casserole is an appropriate response to tragedy you fat fuck
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