Whats rustling your jimmies?


Is she playing an FM radio? Perhaps you could get one of those fm transmitters and make her play something different, or at least change the station. If it's internet radio, pay off someone in IT to take care of that.

Great Ogre Dictator

Lord Nagafen Raider
My backdoor neighbors decided to go with the griswold style of decorating this year. I had to change where my bed was so as not to be blinded every night.


Gamma Rays

Large sized member
I like watching them 'World's mightiest Bridges / factories / Aircraft / Building project" etc etc shows.

I've got an interest in how things are built, planned, stages of construction etc, tickles my nerd zones or something. These shows are 95% great until they do this stupid thing where any quantity or mass has to be described by doing some comparison to an apparent 'everyday item'. Trust me once you know to look for it, they all do it.

To explain better, when they're talking about something like the amount of paint that they need to paint the entire ship. They won't describe it as 1,700 liters they will say "The amount of paint needed would fill 2 backyard swimming pools"

"The steel required to build the main supports weigh as much as 85 full grown African Elephants"

"The entire wiring bundle inside the plane would be enough to stretch from Sao Paulo Brazil to Bombay India"

Just give us a measurement!!

Tell us how many tons a thing weighs or a unit of distance, we can work it out from that. Instead of using 'Primary school book' novelty comparisons which actually do the reverse of being helpful and through being so vague they DONT give us a solid idea of what the amount is.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I like watching them 'World's mightiest Bridges / factories / Aircraft / Building project" etc etc shows.

I've got an interest in how things are built, planned, stages of construction etc, tickles my nerd zones or something. These shows are 95% great until they do this stupid thing where any quantity or mass has to be described by doing some comparison to an apparent 'everyday item'. Trust me once you know to look for it, they all do it.

To explain better, when they're talking about something like the amount of paint that they need to paint the entire ship. They won't describe it as 1,700 liters they will say "The amount of paint needed would fill 2 backyard swimming pools"

"The steel required to build the main supports weigh as much as 85 full grown African Elephants"

"The entire wiring bundle inside the plane would be enough to stretch from Sao Paulo Brazil to Bombay India"

Just give us a measurement!!

Tell us how many tons a thing weighs or a unit of distance, we can work it out from that. Instead of using 'Primary school book' novelty comparisons which actually do the reverse of being helpful and through being so vague they DONT give us a solid idea of what the amount is.
Once on one of the network news broadcast they tried to explain that something that weighed 25 tons was the same as 25 - 1 ton trucks. Umm that's capacity not what they actually weigh.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I like watching them 'World's mightiest Bridges / factories / Aircraft / Building project" etc etc shows.

I've got an interest in how things are built, planned, stages of construction etc, tickles my nerd zones or something. These shows are 95% great until they do this stupid thing where any quantity or mass has to be described by doing some comparison to an apparent 'everyday item'. Trust me once you know to look for it, they all do it.

To explain better, when they're talking about something like the amount of paint that they need to paint the entire ship. They won't describe it as 1,700 liters they will say "The amount of paint needed would fill 2 backyard swimming pools"

"The steel required to build the main supports weigh as much as 85 full grown African Elephants"

"The entire wiring bundle inside the plane would be enough to stretch from Sao Paulo Brazil to Bombay India"

Just give us a measurement!!

Tell us how many tons a thing weighs or a unit of distance, we can work it out from that. Instead of using 'Primary school book' novelty comparisons which actually do the reverse of being helpful and through being so vague they DONT give us a solid idea of what the amount is.
History channel and TLC changing rustle my jimmies.


2022 Asshat Award Winner
<Bronze Donator>
flash mob videos. Every single fucking one of them. Also marriage proposal videos.
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I thought my campaign to save the world from this was complete and we were all safe but I heard some d-bag say a Chuck Norris joke. It was something to the effect of his tears curing cancer or some other crappy joke. Chuck Norris jokes rustle my jimmies to the tenth degree. Strange considering I love the Bill Bratschi (spelling?) skits from SNL.


Vyemm Raider
Assholes who post about what bands they like and what bands I should like in the fucking FSR thread, time to RRP some chumps.


Riddle me this...
People who assume there is any rhyme or reason to the FSR. Its the 5th power of Chaos, just deal with it.

Also people being passive agressive.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Glaring Lights in theaters.
Watched Desolation of Smaug and my seats were cherry. Direct center, no head craning up or down. But the Exit sign shone directly into my right eye. I wanted to stop watching halfway through, and not because it was a pile.
Niece's dance dance recital had a strobe light that shot directly into my face. Saw circles for hours.

The Hobbit trilogy
Slapstick fighting outside of comedies. Comic relief in general.

Monster Screaming: The T-Rex in Jurassic Park was cool, mainly because I had never seen the move before. However in every movie or game since, the monster has to scream at the camera - so stupid. Especially so when it was sneaking up on prey all the way up until the roar.
Smaug didn't, but the spiders did.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
When stupid fat worthless lazy fucks just have to park 10 fucking feet close to walmart.

"Ohh that person is getting ready to back out? letme get behind them and wait for 5 minutes until they actually causing everyone else behind me to have to wait so my fat diabetic ass can walk 10 less feet!"


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
My local Walmart smells like curry and has a constant police presence. I haven't shopped there in a long time, either.

However, the poor saps who live in the middle of bumfuck-nowhere-flyover states don't have many other options for shopping, I believe.

I wish someone would make a little device similar to that one that let you turn on/off any TV, but that worked on motorized fat people scooters. I'd stroll through Walmart zapping their carts dead and they'd be stranded since their immense weight won't let them walk for than a few steps before collapsing.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Walmart is the worst at that shit, but any big place you gotta deal with it. I remember when I was a kid and I would go to the mall or similar place with my dad he would literally make my brother or I get out of the car and go stand in a open space if he saw one in the next isle that was closer.


Riddle me this...
Fatties and Blackies are the ones that always seem to use them at Wal-mart. Management is scared to death to actually yell at them though, might be considered racist or unsympathetic to their needs.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
i really wanna drive one of those carts around, but i'm a fatass and I'm afraid of what people will think while I'm on my joyride.

Is that thin privilege?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Easy, Hoss, crutch into the store, sit on the cart with the crutches leaning on your shoulder. After my foot surgery I rode those in every store we went to.