I loved raiding in EQ. The thought of getting fucking amazeballs gear that everyone on the server would know you for, was awesome. That and I was an SK, so I got a ton of loot because no one else in my guild was crazy enough to be an SK until way later like PoP etc. SK gear generally rotted, so I'd always win it if I was there and it dropped. A raid in EQ was an actual fucking fantasy raid. An adventure that would take weeks of preparation for. It was not "hard" in the sense of tons of mechanics, but the preparation itself was the hard part. But a lot of that could be done solo or in groups with your guild. Things like key pieces, resistance gear, fishbone earrings, etc. It was a slow burn to a climatic ending, and was a meta game in itself a raid outside of the raid. That, and back then, there were no spoiler sites or screenshots of raid zones, etc. I mean sure you had Allakhazam but half the info on there was missing at the high end raids. So a raid was an actual new discovery for most players. You were told the boss strats that some officer bribed off another guild, and had to imagine them and what the boss and his lair looked like, in your head. And there was the whole thing where most bosses were in the same leveling zones we farmed in, just deeper. So there was always that mystique, of knowing a hallway everyone told you to never go down, led to somewhere really bad, and you really wanted to know what was back there (Vox, Naggy, etc) so raids were more than just farming phat loots, it was a quest for satisfying the imagination. And one other thing I really loved, was every class had a specific unique role it was required to be good at for raiding. Monks pulled, Wars tanked, Rogues corpse recovered, Shamans slowed, SK's helped pull and OT, etc. You had to learn your role, and be good at it to even stand a chance. And there was pride in that. Your job was so much more than just dps, even if you were a dps class. Now it's all just if you can meet a DPS numbers bar.
I hated raiding in WoW. I do the LFR raids regularly, and like those, as long as they don't give us shitty generic looking gear like they did in WoD. I like to get my set gear, make my character look cool, etc. Just something I enjoy in MMO's. But the whole concept of scheduling a time to get on, to be led by Timmy the fucking 20 year old with something to prove, and wiping on the same boss over and over is like slamming my dick in a door. I just don't have time for that shit. I don't mind as much when a guild has a raid on farm, and you go run it with them and do a full clear in 2-3 hours, but the whole learning thing, or trying heroic modes and shit is not for me. I don't need to DDR while hopped up on 8 redbulls just to get a different colored piece of gear with +10 gooder stats.
I do think part of it has to do with age though, because now days with a wife and 2 kids, there is no fucking way in hell I could ever get into raiding in EQ like I used to. That and I think the internet itself has killed any hopes of another game like EQ with actual mysteries. As soon as someone finds that shit, they will have it all over youtube to get the mad clicks, and every raid leader will expect you to watch that shit and know every single aspect of the fight before you even considering coming with. I do think a lot of the draw of raiding for players in EQ days, was the mystery, which made it feel a lot more like an actual "adventure", and that aspect is totally gone now. Now it's DDR with 20 other retards while executing a perfect rotation, and hope they or you don't mess up. It's not just "slaying the dragon". I have to wonder if this is a lot of the reason the MMO genre is dying. Because it's no longer able to capture that mystery and adventure that drove it into mainstream initially.