You are really going to throw up the coincidence card here?
You want the timeline? From a VERY trusted source, and no, Ravenn, it isn"t a disgruntled ex employee like your friends at sigil have told you. It"s someone working there NOW.
Here it is, in a nice easy to read format:
Why doesn"t Brad have his own forums? Because he can direct the traffic to fan sites with ad streaming revenue and make money off it if he has a vested interest.
A shitton of Vanguard threads (Some of which now that have been outright deleted) posting about negative experiences of Vanguard were rickshawed.
I posted some relatively VERY tame facts about how the post 35+ game is not even finished yet, with most of it not even coming until mid april when they plan their 2nd art asset patch, because even the art for most of these areas isn"t even fucking done yet.
Rav tells me too cool it and stay out of VG threads.
I PM"d her back. Here is what I wrote.
After this I was banned. I couldn"t even access my PM"s.
Brad immediately goes on a posting tirade with more fluff than a pile of down comforters stacked 70 miles, all leaking with flat out conjecture, spin, and lies.
I get unbanned.
Brad vanishes.
You, of course and I wouldn"t blame you, have a vested interest in traffic here. Developers threatening to pull the plug on posting here, which has been threatened by Rav"s friends many times in the past - she has told me about this - (For example, when I would post something under NDA, yet workers for Sigil would break NDA with positive and not take the negative and try to get me banned because they were friends with her). Kudos to her however. Because she told them to stick it.
For a while.
Why did that tune change? At the same time negative VG threads were getting rickshawed, I got banned, McQuaid starts posting en masse, and grassroots was flying around here like mad?
Coincidence my ass.