Aradune Mithara said:
We had to agree to a launch date, or there would be no money to continue. This was unfortunate, but we will and are recovering.
Aradune Mithara said:
So I"m not upset in anyway with SOE or Microsoft -- again, what they did give us in terms of funding and support is unprecedented. The vast majority of developers would kill for such a budget as we received. It"s just a financial reality that is hurting us short term a bit, but something I know we can and are recovering from. Also, launching around the same time as Burning Crusade wasn"t optimal either, but again, nothing we can"t recover from.
I"m assuming that SOE refused to finance a few extra months to finish? (many have been making this assumption for quite some time now) If that is the case, than my impression of SOE incompetence is going to have to be altered. If VG needed another
YEAR, I could see "OK guys, you won"t get another year, no way, we can"t budget that". But if the game was released "only" a couple of months before it was ready, what was SOE saving? IMHO trading the cost of an additional 2 months of development time could very well be far LESS than the cost that releasing early, and next to TBC, was.
And if that is the case, if SOE was blind to what we were predicting months ago, then I"m not sure I would be as calm about it as you. Myself, I"d be incredibly upset with SOE. If your in for a penny, your in for a pound. Having SOE give you the budget they did, you say it was/is sizable, is all well and good, but I guess I cannot grapple with them not wanting to spring for an extra month or two when it looked like it was needed.
It"s kinda like going out and buying a 100k car, and then skimping on everything else because you"re a cheap bastard.
Salesman: "Ok, would you like power windows?"
SOE: "No, no power windows."
Salesman: "What about power locks? It is a really handy feature."
SOE: "No, we don"t need power locks"
Salesman: "Ok....fine....but
SURELYyou would want air conditioning, correct?"
SOE: Hey, pal, we don"t want to spend extra, we aren"t made out of money!"
Salesman: "You aren"t? You"re buying a car for 100k!!"
If what you"ve said is true, and I am thinking straight on this (I haven"t had my coffee yet this morning), I imagine I"d be carrying around a great deal of angst towards SOE. Especially since you are the target for a great deal of bullshit and poo-flinging. Maybe some deserved, maybe not, but I have the feeling that SOE hung you out to dry after stringing you all along, in a sense. Maybe you are a better man than I, or you aren"t about to tell anyone publicly how you feel abut SOE assuming there is some angst there. That, or you are a naive eternal optimist /shrug (of course thats somewhat ironic to say on this board, where there are few optimists).
Aradune Mithara said:
A little frustrating short term, but the game is out, it continues to sell well, churn is very low, and the word continues to spread that the game is fun.
I don"t know about the "word spreading", really I don"t. True, trying to tell that to these forums is like telling Americans in the "60"s that the Russians weren"t going to invade us due to some evil intent. Regardless, I"m not hearing or seeing any word of mouth, good press or anything that would make me think "Oh, wow, VG really
HASturned the corner!". Now understand I"m not saying that it has or hasn"t, only that I"ve seen or heard nada (I"m not counting forums, mostly talking RL).
And while on that topic, let me say the only thing I have heard is "I"m going to drop my station pass and VG possibly in a month or two". I"d really like to hear your take on the AAP rate hike and how you feel about its "potential" affect on VG. Seriously. Maybe you can"t/won"t say, but I"d like to hear what your thoughts are on it.