You are right, he made his choice. The point is, it was the wrong one. People knew this 2.5 years ago with EQ2, and they said it would be bad again for 2.5 years until VG made the same mistake, despite the people working on EQ2 admitting it was a mistake. Obviously what"s done is done, but that doesn"t mean that future companies can"t be smart enough to avoid making a mistake that has been made multiple times now. Especially when you compare it to the competition who specifically avoided that mistake.
So while most of this "bitching" seems directed at Vanguard and Brad, I think everyone here knows it will do no good for that specific person and product, but hopefully serves to highlight a crucial decision that upcoming companies will be facing. If you want to include super bleeding edge tech in your design, then you should at the very least include scalability, or at least have a decent grasp on when your product will release and what products will be available to support it then.