Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Seeing as it only breaks the table within the post that the picture is attached, I don"t really have a problem with them not being thumbnails. /shrug


Soygen said:
Seeing as it only breaks the table within the post that the picture is attached, I don"t really have a problem with them not being thumbnails. /shrug
I agre, if it breaks the entire thread then it gets annoying. The way its done here is ok by me.


Mkopec1 said:
I agre, if it breaks the entire thread then it gets annoying. The way its done here is ok by me.
Every post is a separate div/table in vBulletin for exactly that reason.

Ham-I"ll send you a PM.


Elisha Dushku
CylusSoulreaver said:
Didn"t notice til now. Thanks!
Dang and I was all set to get one and pass it to a level 1 shammy twink ;p

Edit: So are you gonna make the final versions red? You have to admit the Axe certainly deservers it... We need more epeen!


Ellsworth said:
It does really bother me, but I"ll live. This is one of the few boards I frequent which it isn"t considered bad etiquette to break tables.

[timg] tag doesn"t work to thumbnail something? [edit: no, it doesn"t. I wish there was a "thumbnail this img" option when uploading a file. also, i didn"t realize there was hosting for images directly via foh. thanks so much, you guys rock.]

I"ve never tried to post something here. I have a wide screen monitor and run at 1920x1200 but I rarely if ever maximize firefox since nothing is designed for that resolution on the interweb. most things are designed for 10x7 or something else ridiculously small, so i have a way of using my screen which doesn"t include full screen browser mode. I"m just being stupid internet police though. It does drive me crazy, but if its too hard to do, then just ignore me.
holy shit

after so many VG shots its almost painfull watch one from WoW

and yes, before someone will say it, we know "wow is made for the lonely housewifes Nec"


fucker said:
holy shit

after so many VG shots its almost painfull watch one from WoW

and yes, before someone will say it, we know "wow is made for the lonely housewifes Nec"
No one can deny that WoW"s graphic engine is woefully inferior to VG"s. Of course, I prefer the strong art style of WoW, and the fact that it actually runs well, even with 40 people on screen at once.


That wasn"t the point I just grabbed the most recent screenshot I had taken and posted it. Trying to see if I could thumbnail it. <3 you guys.


Molten Core Raider
fucker said:
holy shit

after so many VG shots its almost painfull watch one from WoW

and yes, before someone will say it, we know "wow is made for the lonely housewifes Nec"
lol no joke I had to take a double look to make sure that wasn"t an NES game screen shot when I first saw it. And WoW, hehe, I actually played that game for 2.5 years. *shakes head* No way I could go back to that after playing in VG with the realistic art work that it has.

LOL the more I look at it the worse it gets.


Camerous said:
lol no joke I had to take a double look to make sure that wasn"t an NES game screen shot when I first saw it. And WoW, hehe, I actually played that game for 2.5 years. *shakes head* No way I could go back to that after playing in VG with the realistic art work that it has.

LOL the more I look at it the worse it gets.
Yeah not to knock WoW, hell how can you look at their numbers, but I have never played the game (which I understand is addicting) because I just did not care for the cartoon graphics.
Camerous said:
lol no joke I had to take a double look to make sure that wasn"t an NES game screen shot when I first saw it. And WoW, hehe, I actually played that game for 2.5 years. *shakes head* No way I could go back to that after playing in VG with the realistic art work that it has.
What"s funny is I look at Vanguard in the same way. People post these shots of "OMG look how beautiful" and I wonder if maybe the awesome screenshot is hiding behind the Poser shot. Both from screenshots and actual play, the world and it"s inhabitants (barring a few exceptions) are bland and uninspiring. The models are often outright ugly/creepy/bad (see Cuppy"s sig, no offense) or plagued by unibody (see Goblins, the wolfmen.)

It"s not that I"m against realistic graphics. I love the look of Oblivion, Dark Messiah, and Lord of the Rings Online (to be fair, I don"t like the LOTRO models either.) The shots/movies from Conan look great... and as a comical aside, once someone posted 3 shots of AoC in a Vanguard thread without labeling them as such. I thought to myself "Wow, they really did improve the graphics!" Anyway, I"m not sure what it is about VG, but I"m very unimpressed with the game visually. It"s just very... blocky and plastic. Not really a good description, but those are the main terms that come to mind.

I will note that the big exceptions are sky and armor. Both of those are top notch. Very impressed by both of those aspects.


The bugs and shit I can deal with, but I will not take a dick in the ass over and over when it comes to nerfing the shit out of my dudes. They had a fucking year of beta to concentrate on that shit and balance it.

I can see a slight adjustment that they have missed, but the past 2-3 patches basically nerfed the living shit out of stuff.



apparently spleh bears a grudge against FoH and doesn"t like me linking here



Mkopec1 said:
The bugs and shit I can deal with, but I will not take a dick in the ass over and over when it comes to nerfing the shit out of my dudes. They had a fucking year of beta to concentrate on that shit and balance it.

I can see a slight adjustment that they have missed, but the past 2-3 patches basically nerfed the living shit out of stuff.
Another whining sorcerer?
Seriously the most blatant imba class by an ocean of the entire game had it coming. Stop your bitching. Theres more on the way.


does vanguard have a free trial or something like that?

i want to give it a try but i"m low on money right now to just buy it without trying it first :p


So how is VanEQ2wow shaping up to be?

I mean it isn"t like they completely ripped apart the game, and tore every last living, breathing piece of fun out of it, and any semblance of coolness from beta3 doesn"t even exist anymore.

I want more info for the combat system to make fun of my friends please .


Deris said:
So how is VanEQ2wow shaping up to be?

I mean it isn"t like they completely ripped apart the game, and tore every last living, breathing piece of fun out of it, and any semblance of coolness from beta3 doesn"t even exist anymore.

I want more info for the combat system to make fun of my friends please .
Loving the hell out of it.
I honestly haven"t had this much fun with an MMO since UO and my earlier EQ days.

Of course, that probably won"t do very well for friend-mocking.
My apologies.


Malakie Torsade said:
The models are often outright ugly/creepy/bad (see Cuppy"s sig, no offense) or plagued by unibody (see Goblins, the wolfmen.)
Hey man, its totally cool. I agree with you - the character models are fucking awful in this game. I tried for a long long time to make a good looking character - and that"s what I came up with.

I"m real close to just saying fuck it and making a goddamn cat person or a Raki. At least then I won"t resemble someone with down syndrome. =/

And btw, my character in my sig is AFTER I doctored her up. I repainted her hair and her face, and gave her better makeup. Did more highlighting and shading. She looks WORSE in game if you can believe that. =/