Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

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Anyone who expected their beta toons to survive deserves to be butthurt over this. Apart from that I really don't understand the idea behind reducing beta to weekends.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
So I'm going to have to fucking pay to see if they actually end up optimizing the client where it doesn't have problems for me? Fuck them.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The characters are going to be deleted no matter what before release. The only thing the 32+ stipulation was for it seems, is to keep that character for the weekend events. Again all they are doing is hurting themselves by severely cutting down testing of 36+ content.Especially because its only 4 weekends total, in the next 3 months.

I really hope its not pre-order only for these weekends. They need to be giving out keys like candy and get as many people in as they can and just make pre-order a guarantee slot on the weekends.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
They should have done pre-order for closed beta access a month ago then start shitting out keys for weekend betas and stress tests now. This is pretty fucking stupid considering they keep talking about end game content and raids. The stuff that really matters will be the least tested and buggiest.


"Permanent" Winter Beta testers who have a level 32 or higher character on their account will also have their account reactivated so that we can continue to test high-level content between now and launch. You'll still need to pre-order if you want to receive all those goodies, though!
I believe the 32+ players get in without pre-ordering. I believe "goodies" refers to the pre-order rewards (minus the beta weekend thing):

Exclusive Rocket House
Exclusive Housing Trophy
Exclusive In-Game Title: "Chosen of the Progenitors"
Access to Beta Weekends
3 Day Head Start
In-game Storage Bag
And More!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Not based on the forums. You have to pre-order to play on the weekends, having a level 32+ from the CB just means you get to keep that character and play that level of content. It's not even about the pre-order part(as most people who have a 32+ would probably pre-order anyway), it's about why on earth would you cut testing down to 12 days total. And those 12 days will be on weekends and with anyone that pre-orders + most likely key giveaways. So its going to be like the stress test weekends, which one wouldn't call stable. Not a good way to test your 36+ content, that has only been on the CB server for 2.5 weeks.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I believe the 32+ players get in without pre-ordering. I believe "goodies" refers to the pre-order rewards (minus the beta weekend thing):

Exclusive Rocket House
Exclusive Housing Trophy
Exclusive In-Game Title: "Chosen of the Progenitors"
Access to Beta Weekends
3 Day Head Start
In-game Storage Bag
And More!
Does that mean only for the weekend tests or will the 32+ people have access to the server all the time. 4 weekends is not enough time to test shit.


Potato del Grande
based on the forum quote, it suggests level 32+ accounts will be reactivated regardless of a pre-order or not. and ya abe, only on those weekends.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I also believe there will be a 1 month open beta prior to launch after the 4 pre-order beta weekends. Don't quote me on that though.


Right now I'm thinking that I will pre-order to see some of this huge patch. If the performance still blows then I will just cancel. i've heard the patch made it better but I'm still skeptical. I had a lot of fun the first weekend but the 2nd wasn't very magical. Maybe because I went and tried every class instead of focusing on my Spellslinger. I was always the type to play one main only, then start an alt then quit.

I'm wondering about the details on the Eldan hoverboard. If it's cool then maybe they can sucker me into buying the deluxe. Any info about that hoverboard yet?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They've had a lot of negative feedback on forums for both warplots and raids, (design issues, performance and lack of fun). At this point they're probably trying to ramp up box sales, hence 4 beta weekends within 3 months during TESO release. Their idea of shutting closed beta down is pretty stupid, even Zenimax didn't do that for TESO.


They've had a lot of negative feedback on forums for both warplots and raids, (design issues, performance and lack of fun). At this point they're probably trying to ramp up box sales, hence 4 beta weekends within 3 months during TESO release. Their idea of shutting closed beta down is pretty stupid, even Zenimax didn't do that for TESO.
Call me a TESO hater but I have to give some props to Carbine for at least showing off their content pretty openly. The higher level content has been there. They haven't tried to hide it. I can actually talk to people that have played it and hear about the bad and the good. When it comes to asking anyone about their experience with higher level content in ESO, it's like a big fucking mystery nobody can reveal to me. And what I've played in game and what I've seen posted on Youtube of TESO footage is pretty pathetic by MMO standards. I hardly see this as Carbine trying to bait people by ending beta earlier. Plus from what from I'm hearing lv 32+ people will still be in the beta anyways. So where's the foul play?

At least the early game in Wildstar isn't some unspeakable abomination.TESO's solution to having shit early game content is "Lolz let's just let them skip it if they like!"


I play a 50 Esper (Catpokes). The balance in this game is terrible. PvP is a joke at its foundation and every patch there's a new class that redefines overpowered.
...The beauty of those are you don't have to fix everything out of the gate because people can just go to another part of it while those rides are down. Besides, most people don't care aboutThe Mad Hatter's Teacup ride.As long as the Space Fucking Mountain Roller Coaster is working, they'll stay in the park.
Funny enough, I was playing an Exile Explorer and discovered this cave where the entrance was too small to enter... but nearby was a mushroom that when eaten made me smaller... so I entered the cave, filled with shrooms, whereupon I found a Hookah-smoking Splorg. To get to him I had to eat another shroom which made me big! Finally I was lead to a secret doorway where I found the Mad Hatter welcoming me to tea.
no rush as the server recently died.
few observations before it died - some ui changes are already in (las/amp and the codex window), a graveyard was added behind the illium mount vendor, performance seemed increased - had ~30fps at max[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */on a 760 at illium spaceport, has gone up to ~50fps, we'll see if the betafixes addon is still needed
~30fps to ~50fps is a huge improvement. This is a very promising sign.


<Silver Donator>
Since NDA is officially lifted, I'll say what I've been feeling about this game for a while: it's boring as fuck. Now obviously this is an opinion, it's subjective and so on, but I can't fucking get interested in the game. I was pretty hyped about getting an invite in the closed beta and that pretty much died out the first day I spent playing.

Leveling was slow, easy and repetitive and slow. Now mind you since then they buffed mobs quite a lot so the easy part is kinda out, it's actually "hard" as in it's fucking annoying cause mobs hit you with telegraphs for 40-50% of your total hp and some of them are unavoidable(or they might be avoidable if they had euro servers I don't know if that's the cause), like you get stunned and then telegraphed before you can break out of it even if you have autohotkey spamming the F key(so minimum stun duration). I didn't mind it too much but some people were complaining that they basically cannot do quests on their own because they're too shitty players, which is kinda like weird for a "mainstream" mmo.

I got to level 15ish and 10ish on a bunch of characters, quit for a couple of weeks, came back after some patch, played some more, got a medic and stalker to 25 and every other class to 15(some more than once due to faction shit and what not), quit again, came back for the 32 thingie, played for a day, got to 28 on my medic and said fuck that. Couldn't even be bothered leveling to 32.

I'd say the biggest issue with their leveling is it feels tedious as fuck, it's not really slow slow it just feels slow if that makes sense. /played to cap seems to be about 4-5days or something which is fairly average, maybe a bit on the high side for most recent releases but it was average a few years ago so it's not that bad. The problem is it's an incessant series of boring spacebear ass collection, some of which you can turn in with your spacephone and some of which you have to go back to the quest hub to turn in, some of which then lead to another quest to kill the papa bear IN THE SAME FUCKING PLACE. Yep that shit is still a thing apparently. Now that's rare but the very fact it existed was notable. Anyway the thing is I'm personally ok with quest hubs and picking up 10quests, doing them, going back, turn them in, move to next quest hub. Like I don't mind it, I know some people do, but I don't. What was the specific issue is the amount of shit you have to do for each quest. See nowadays when a game does the questhub shit, it tells you "ok grab 6-10 things and bring them back". But not Wildstar. Wildstar asks for 12-20 of the things. If not more in some cases. So every fucking quest drags on cause you have to get so many things, and in the end you come back to town and you only turn in your 3-4quests left(othere were turned in via spacephone) and the payoff feels completely shitty in comparison to the effort. Basically the balance between the xp you get while doing the quest and the xp you get for the quest is off, which makes the game feel slow as fuck. Not that it's particularily fast anyway.

Combat is hmm, alright I guess. It's not great but it's not too bad. The hybrid white damage+avoid spells is kinda weird, it's not GW2 as pointed out before, you will constantly get hit by shit as soon as they reach melee range with their "white" autoattack damage, so some damage is unavoidable. Dodges also don't have invuln frames, so it's just fast movement, which reduces the impact of twitch reaction I guess but it makes some stuff fairly bullshit. The classes and their skills are fairly bland, there's very little synergy between skills so it's mostly about taking the best skills in most situation and slotting that. Healing has this obnoxious mix of telegraphs/pbaoe/gtae and fucking targetted shit that's really weird but otherwise was alright, with the downside that I hated every fucking healing classes. Or all classes really but the stalker, which was thoroughly nerfed so it's not more fun than the others anymore.

PvP looked like absolute dogshit, but I haven't played enough to really tell. The constant massive aoe spam on everything by everyone, the constant fucking CC and the fact healers seem to heal way too fucking much, on top of massive issues with actually hitting shit that's moving especially if you're unlucky enough to play a melee(and god forbid you play a stalker who have like half the range of warriors). I don't know, was terrible, but maybe warplots are better.

The dungeons I did however were very fun. In a very wow/DDR way, but still very fun. Then again it was a while ago and I believe they massively nerfed the early content(which I guess makes sense since it was pretty fucking hard), but still it had some cool mechanics with the telegraphs and shit and required some cooperation for interupts and stuff like that.

I invited 2 friends to the beta and one of them stopped playing before reaching 15, the other actually leveled up to 40 or something casually over a couple of months before he stopped playing.


Since NDA is officially lifted, I'll say what I've been feeling about this game for a while: it's boring as fuck.
Amen to this. Pretty much how I feel about the game.

The combat is just boring and tedious as fuck. Designing an entire combat system and classes around telegraphs and ground targeting might have sounded like a cool idea, but it NEVER should have made it through the prototyping stage. Little annoyances like no auto-attack or auto-cast like GW2 had and repeatedly holding a button to sprint (even on mounts) just add even more needless tedium to running around the world.

The grind is the worst kind of grind. The quest flow and ttk combined really make the fairly linear questing suck. There's very little to give you a break from that type of questing other than PVP/Housing/Dungeons which drop you out of the world. There's really nothing to break up the tedium of questing out in the world that I've seen. I don't mind themepark questing when there's something like public quests, FATES, rifts or some other alternative content to do out in the world. With Wildstar well, you'd better love banging out some quests. For hours. Edit: Paths are just more quests. They may or may not be more annoying than the normal quests depending on your path selection.

The class design feels bland and samey. Not much synergy or interaction between classes, you don't have a rotation, you just spam builders and finishers using priority queue. There aren't really any unique or class defining abilities that I've seen. Just techno AOE and frontal cones with a few mobility utility skills mixed in.

The dungeons seem cool. The encounters seem really cool. But unfortunately you have to run the dungeons using the Wildstar classes and combat system. I'm not confident they'll be able to make the telegraph system work for 40 man raiding either. The telegraphs are insanely intense with just 5 people. With 40 you're just going to have to hide everything. Or let's say hide everything except heals? But then that's still a shitload of healing telegraphs. I'll wait and see, but it's going to be awkward as hell. Also, balancing raids when just about every single damage and healing skill is AOE? Good luck.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I've been in the beta since summer, played for a while and think I offically gave up on this back in December. Think my biggest is gripe is the class design. I cannot for the life of me get interested in any of these classes.