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to clarify that point: any equipable item can act as costume piece for that given slotTo be fair, none of their costumes really struck me as memorable. They only had a few basic types.
to clarify that point: any equipable item can act as costume piece for that given slotTo be fair, none of their costumes really struck me as memorable. They only had a few basic types.
Every game needs it's Blackwulf.Because you know more than the next guy? You think if some CEO isn't planning and plotting behind the scenes trying to see how much money they can grab. I believe the quote goes "If it doesn't make money it doesn't make sense." The way the genre has been going the past 5 years it only makes sense to have insurance. It only makes sense to have a plan in place just in case. Throw some marketing ploy and carefully worded statements to grab the consumers attention and bam. It always ends up this way. Until a game company designs an mmo with no fucking intentions to make a cash grab and actually make a game worth playing. I will never believe a word out of any game companies mouth. Ever. I used to enjoy gaming. I used to enjoy things that were difficult and took time and patience. If I sat down with a game I wanted a challenge. I wanted to actually feel like I earned something. But it's the same song and dance every time a new game comes out. New promises extreme hype followed by lies and a mother fucking cash shop.
Filthy Casuals.
So they can't have nice boobies but can have gay pride outfits? BS!guis the digital deluxe costume is totally rad you wanna pay the extra $20 to help carbine make even better art and stuff in the future cuz they are awesome and i'm in no way shilling i mean just look at this beautiful costume doesn't it make you rock hard
No one will cancel because of that. If you don't like random boxes filled with small 30-1 hour bonuses / temporary cosmetic stuff that people can either find randomly or purchase then don't loot / buy them?
Dis.Yup if they make you buy keys for them they will just end up like black lion chests. That sell for 1 or 2 copper on the AH and only ever get opened when I happen to run across a quest or monthly that spits a key out not like anybody not opening up black lion chests is missing out on much.
you are quite possibly the only person ive ever seen who had something positive to say about black lion chests.Dis.
I remember having like 100 black lion chests in bank, then everyone freak once and-a-while moment I'd actually find a key. Then that meant that one key would parlay into opening like 12 chests because subsequent chests gave you keys. Felt pretty good, like actual 'treasure'.
Their target audience really was never in doubt. They are wisely looking at alternative ways to get cash and leveraging things that they'll need if they don't get a good enough chunk of WOW sub people. Diku people come and go. Zynga purchases like this always have an appeal to some. Exp bonus potions and low level items and crafting supplies are hardly a big deal. It's not like you'll be getting raid loot from a chest, so why care?I don't think anyone will cancel but it does say exactly what audience thy are trying to capture right now. The ADHD crowd who doesn't mind a crowd of daily quests just to see some kind of update to their daily grind. Gotta catch them all, Pok?mon!!
It will be very interesting to follow how well this game does and how many WoW subs it can slowly or quickly siphon off. I am disappointed in how little innovation this and ESO have really brought to the genre though. It's been a decade since WoW.
I have one really weird guildmate. He plays at work and he makes human alts levels them to 10 in their story line gets the black lion key puts it in the bank and deletes the character. It is silly as hell but he actually had enough of those damn ticket things that he bought and sold the skins on the AH for enough money to flat out buy a completed legendary weapon. So there are some oddballs out there that made the system work for them.you are quite possibly the only person ive ever seen who had something positive to say about black lion chests.