Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I would gladly level via slaughtering monsters if the game(s) was designed for that. Unfortunately it's not, and trying it tends to be an exercise in frustration.

I'll get over it. The game has enough to lure me back to an MMO for a few months.


Trakanon Raider
I would gladly level via slaughtering monsters if the game(s) was designed for that. Unfortunately it's not, and trying it tends to be an exercise in frustration.
I'm not sure what you mean by designed for leveling by slaughtering monsters. Is it just a complaint that leveling that way is slower than questing?

Coz it's not like you can't just sit in one spot and kill stuff, the mob density is pretty high overall, there's a lot of trash drops, you can get greens and blues randomly, group xp split is very generous and there's no anti-camp penalties or anything like that. Quests are also usually worth less than 10 mob kills.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Yes, I would say the psychological issue of knowing that it's a much slower form of leveling is a large impediment to the fun. Not a complaint that it's slow, but just the knowledge that it's not the intended way to level, and is a sub-par form just sucks.

Honestly if you're a person who can grind mobs to level in a WoW-style quest-leveling game where the entire world is designed around quest hubs, I just find that strange.


<Silver Donator>
I'm not sure what you mean by designed for leveling by slaughtering monsters. Is it just a complaint that leveling that way is slower than questing?

Coz it's not like you can't just sit in one spot and kill stuff, the mob density is pretty high overall, there's a lot of trash drops, you can get greens and blues randomly, group xp split is very generous and there's no anti-camp penalties or anything like that. Quests are also usually worth less than 10 mob kills.
There are anti camping mechanics. During beta I checked how hard it would be to bot in the game with a simplistic script(basically just spamming keys) and ran into it after about 2 hours of killing the same two mobs, they started giving 10% xp instead. Mind you it was a fast respawning mob so I killed quite a lot in that time I guess, and you probably wouldn't run into the issue if you were farming more mobs(assuming it's per spawn point and not per mob type).

Quests definitely don't give that much xp, but with the TTK being what it is, giving 10mobs worth of xp is a pretty big deal if you do several quests in an area before you turn in. It becomes a lot slower to actually grind, especially if you know exactly what to do for the quests and rush them.


Vyemm Raider
If you have a steady group, it's actually faster to level through grinding adventures and dungeons than quest leveling.


Their dev team seems to be keeping a tighter eye on endgame and player feedback than TESOs. Also, they aren't running a ton of new tech.

Still, it wouldn't surprise me if a guild or two pulled a Conquest.


Vyemm Raider
But Rerolled says that GA will be cleared in 2 weeks and Datascape 2-3 weeks after that.


Musty Nester
But Rerolled says that GA will be cleared in 2 weeks and Datascape 2-3 weeks after that.
If those zones were actually open they probably would be. You underestimate the power of poopsocks.

You're equating time-locks with difficulty. Encounters that incorporate a gearcheck and the access to gear is strictly controlled through the use of time limited tokens.

So yes, it will probably take a while. You're right. But that's not because it'shard.

They've already pulled the limit down once because people understood what they were setting up and said, "Nah. Not even gonna bother".

It's hardly revolutionary game design when it comes to that. And when you consider the alternatives that effectively serve the same goal the timelock idea even has a lot of positives. It's better than level 54mobs having a 0.00000001% chance to drop a single token. And you need 40 tokens to buy your boss-stompin boots.

It's just odd anyone would claim these aren't artificially gated encounters.


<Silver Donator>
Gear checks tend to not be very good time locking mechanics. Good guilds will crush them easily, like how the top wow guilds would run into the first tier raids with like green quest gear and still clear it all in a day then clear the hard modes like 2weeks later. Maximizing specs and group composition to make up for the shittier gear and so on. They work to an extent but keying with limited amounts per week is where you really lock content, say if you need everyone keyed and the last boss of the 20man only drops 5keys per raids, then you'd need at least 7kills to get to 40man(assuming it's fine tuned, 8 since you'd need a full group but if it's not that well tuned it might be possible to do it with 35).

If they're just gating with gear, then realistic estimations should be much lower than what they expect you to take. If they say 2months, count 1, if that.


Vyemm Raider
I'm amazed by how many words Iannis is putting in my mouth. I've never made any claims about gated encounters, nor equated time-locks with difficulty. All I've done is play devil's advocate, quoting what actual hardcore raiders have said about the raids in the game to the people who are adamant that Wildstar's raids will be destroyed in the first month when they have very little knowledge of the actual game.

I will say this though, if you think Wildstar is as easy to play as WoW, then you don't know jack shit.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Uh, gear checks are only marginalized when the encounters have execution-checks that trump them. Which WoW has in spades.

Honestly I yearn for the old days of EQ style minimal (or no) script shit where you just threw shit at it until it fell over, and if you wanted to bring more than X number, you were welcome to and just suffered worse loot distro. That model can easily fit into an instanced design. That way, people can try to tackle it with 30 and deal with the gearing issues, or bring 60 and brute force it, but gear up much more slowly.

I really don't need heavily scripted shit in my boss encounters, for ADHD execution checks and stuff. I can find that in any number of fucking sweet single player games. MMO's are about the communal aspect, and old-school style raiding does it better imo.


Musty Nester
I'm amazed by how many words Iannis is putting in my mouth. I've never made any claims about gated encounters, nor equated time-locks with difficulty. All I've done is play devil's advocate, quoting what actual hardcore raiders have said about the raids in the game to the people who are adamant that Wildstar's raids will be destroyed in the first month when they have very little knowledge of the actual game.

I will say this though, if you think Wildstar is as easy to play as WoW, then you don't know jack shit.
It sounded like you were saying that they're hard.

Dude, nothing in wildstar is hard. It might very well be harder than wow. I haven't played wow since the beta.

Didn't mean to put words in your mouth. Just sounded a lot like you were saying "40 mans takes skillz! They won't be beaten for months!"

They really don't man. Not any more than any other MMO ever. It takes about 5 people who know what they're doing and it takes about 30 people that know how to not stand in fire.

And I'm not even bagging on wildstar. But their raid game... meh.


Trakanon Raider
There are anti camping mechanics. During beta I checked how hard it would be to bot in the game with a simplistic script(basically just spamming keys) and ran into it after about 2 hours of killing the same two mobs, they started giving 10% xp instead. Mind you it was a fast respawning mob so I killed quite a lot in that time I guess, and you probably wouldn't run into the issue if you were farming more mobs(assuming it's per spawn point and not per mob type)
You sure it wasn't that you leveled up ? There are pretty steep diminishing returns on xp for low level mobs.

I admit though, I didn't try killing the same mob over and over, but did circuits of the same areas ( like halstead's claim or the little voodoo guys ) - didn't see any drop in xp without level.


Useless lazy bastard.
Uh, gear checks are only marginalized when the encounters have execution-checks that trump them. Which WoW has in spades.

Honestly I yearn for the old days of EQ style minimal (or no) script shit where you just threw shit at it until it fell over, and if you wanted to bring more than X number, you were welcome to and just suffered worse loot distro. That model can easily fit into an instanced design. That way, people can try to tackle it with 30 and deal with the gearing issues, or bring 60 and brute force it, but gear up much more slowly.

I really don't need heavily scripted shit in my boss encounters, for ADHD execution checks and stuff. I can find that in any number of fucking sweet single player games. MMO's are about the communal aspect, and old-school style raiding does it better imo.
Yes, this "Play by add-on-rotation-app-for-max-dps" crap that is the current crop of MMO design is really boring. For me at least, the MMO games have always been about playing with other people, not a second job juggling skills in perfect sync. Hell, I dont think the last year in WoW was anything but showing up at raid-time, run the bosses in 45 min or less then log off, which is also why I quit.

These games were once about a community, you knew the good tanks on your server, you knew who the excellent healers were. Today its "press RF button for shiney purple!" and you get thrown together with Tank 001, Healer 0113, DPS 2122 and 3342, and you dont get to know any of them because you are all there to get the purple then split.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yes, this "Play by add-on-rotation-app-for-max-dps" crap that is the current crop of MMO design is really boring. For me at least, the MMO games have always been about playing with other people, not a second job juggling skills in perfect sync. Hell, I dont think the last year in WoW was anything but showing up at raid-time, run the bosses in 45 min or less then log off, which is also why I quit.

These games were once about a community, you knew the good tanks on your server, you knew who the excellent healers were. Today its "press RF button for shiney purple!" and you get thrown together with Tank 001, Healer 0113, DPS 2122 and 3342, and you dont get to know any of them because you are all there to get the purple then split.
I seriously doubt that Wildstar in its current incarnation is very LFR friendly, if just for the game mechanics, unless of course telegraphs are going to be nerfed to the point you can ignore them all the time.
Not saying it's "hard" per se, but it's certainly more engaging than previous MMOs, especially for healers and for this I'm thankful.

I can only say that after another beta weekend, I can't wait for release because honestly there is so much stuff to do in game to keep me busy for a very long time, right now I'm still torn on which class to play even if I narrowed the choice down to 2, stalker and spellslinger. When my friends will pick their class, I'll play tank or healer as needed, I like both roles anyway.
I also hope I'll find or put together a decent casual raiding guild to wipe with once or twice a week, but that won't happen for a while.