Wildstar is basically the last American one of this sort I think, wild success (it won't be) or not. If Blizzard was going to make wow2.0 they would have already. They made Diablo3 and then scrapped their Mysteryware upon seeing the popular reaction to the RMAH. Sony is pulling away from this sort of mmo in favor of minecraft + storybricks. Curt Schilling is an object lesson in how to efficiently squander a few tens of millions of dollars. TOR was the camels straw I think, scared off investors. It's already a shaky high risk investment to begin with... and if Star Wars + The Golden Child name "Bioware" won't deliver moneyhats...
Plot a course for decades of shovelware garbage!
I'm not too broken up about it. Obviously throwing money at MMO's doesn't do anything except for encourage banality and mediocrity.
Wildstar might actually be better if they'd had less of a budget. It really is crazy how long they've been working on this game and how many start from scratch rebuilds they've done. They let the perfect become the enemy of the good.