Maybe I missed it, but what is the intended schedule of this guild? I find that's more a factor in what I'm planning to do than anything.
Ok, thanks for all that added info Taxt, just that goes a long way. I'm already on the spreadsheet, and in the same boat as the core of you it would seem, Dominion PvP would be ideal, but I don't "really" care. Looking at the pole, with 54 wanting Dominion over the 45 who want Exile (currently), and the 61 for PvE over the 38 for PvP, it also seems that Dominion and PvE are the voter favorites as well, so that makes sense.
Now, as to what TheYanger said, I'm in agreement. I'm in Arizona. I'm 34. I have a job. I have kids. I have friends and hobbies. I can definitely dedicate time for raiding, but if you guys are imagining raid times starting at 4pm my time, I'll never be able to make that. Five days a week? I can probably make 3. Stuff like that. It makes me nervous committing to something that might end up just not working at all for my schedule. It would be nice to know some of these things. Maybe if he could go back and update the initial post with "Here's how the guild is planning on handling all of this stuff. Raid days something like this at around these times, subject to change. Here's who's in charge, these people are class leads, this guys in charge of that (assuming any of that stuff exists). Here's how we do loot, here's how we do whatever else." I mean, basically, look at any other guild recruitment post and type one of those up. As I said, I was guild shopping, and I probably ruled 9 in 10 out just based on how little effort the recruitment post showed. Running a guild is a pain in the ass, and a lot of work, if the recruitment post is "Join us for fun, everyone welcome, we raid and pvp!", I can assume an equal amount of time will be spend organising all of us idiots into productive activities.
I've also been doing this stuff since EQ, I've run guilds and been at the lowest levels of them, in great guilds and terrible ones. I'm a very laid back fun loving guy, (heck, I'd love to be on an RP pvp server, some of the nicest MMO people on those RP servers) and I don't think I've ever been in a guild where I didn't get along with everyone, typically staying in touch years after, but I'm at a point where I do value my free time. I don't want to waste it, I don't want to fail repeatedly because we had to be nice and bring someones terrible wife who is wiping us over and over again. I don't want to spend weeks on progression and have the loot handed out by loot council to someones alt, who is totally "going" to be his main once he gets geared, because he's on the officers core of Real-Life friends. I don't want to be the only guy on time for raids, summoning people and finding out they don't any consumables because all that takes time and gold.
Basically, I just want to feel like SOMEONE is running things, someone with their shit together, and I'll follow blindly into fire... err space fire? I guess it would be space fire.