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Thiiiis guy!If you like high skill cap you're gonna have a bad time in Wildstar.
This is the hardest MMO I've ever played. And I server firsted some Rift Vet Dungeons.
Thiiiis guy!If you like high skill cap you're gonna have a bad time in Wildstar.
Thanks for these couple of posts. About to hit 50 and am looking at respecing my heal build since I've mostly been solo DPS'ing these last few levels. What AMP builds are you also running?Yeah once I tried out T8 Emission I was permanently sold. I thought it worked similar to Discharge T4 (separate pulse with the listed heal value) but nope! Higher crits are just fine kthx.
I still claim that Barrier is redundant compared to Shield Surge, though. Either Shield Surge needs to be 3 Actuators and/or Barrier's cooldown needs to go waaaay down. Or maybe it could function like Rejuvenator does (one shot effect upon walkover that does the shield + 1/2 IA up front, with the HoT buff applied).
This is the only MMO that has actually made me feel, FEEL like Im a Baddie.Thiiiis guy!
This is the hardest MMO I've ever played. And I server firsted some Rift Vet Dungeons.
The shits not complex until you get up to Weapon Research/Expert. Their isnt really any level gap, at any level. You just dont have the recipe. There is a weapon AT LEAST every 2 levels. In the upper tiers, you start having 2 weapons per level. Do I want a weapon that increases dmg or healing? What about one that refills my shield a small amount? Life steal? Or do I want one thats just straight up all AP or SP?Anyone know of an in-depth explanation of crafting, specifically weaponcrafting? I have quite a few questions about things that just make no sense at all.
Question of the day: What the hell is up with the assault/support power on weapons you craft? Are you just at the mercy of the recipe, and have no control over it? It's pretty annoying to have a huge level gap in one or the other, making this profession pretty useless at times. This is fairly obnoxious especially at the research level where all of the first claws are assault only, then finally the last (tier 4 adventus) claws are support, out of nowhere. Wtf?
Well, this part right here certainly isn't intuitive, and is a big help if true. Thanks.As for some weapons, they innately start off high in Assault Power or Support Power. You can change that fact when you are working with the Capacitors. You put more into Red, the Assault Power changes in favor of the change. You put more into Blue and you gain more Support Power. The stats are pretty obvious why it takes place this way.
Would you say there is a lot of WoW influence, some WoW influence or not much WoW influence?well what the fuck do you think?
Are you very interested, interested, or very interested?Would you say there is a lot of WoW influence, some WoW influence or not much WoW influence?
I don't see why not. Casual doesn't mean you suck or can't move out of red shit, just means a lot less play time and there is plenty to do in the game and you could even slowly work towards raiding.I've been using a guest pass for the last week or so, and the game is pretty fun. Before I actually purchase, can someone let me know if this is the kind of game I can play casually and still have fun? My life isn't exactly amenable to hardcore gaming at this point, but I still like my MMO time.
You have things like above where people seem to equate casual means the person is bad and can't handle any kind of difficulty.That depends on whether or not you want to make progress in dungeons or not. It isn't a very forgiving game and the end-game grind is serious business. I would probably pass on the game, personally.
IMO the only way you can have fun casually is if you are in a guild to do dungeons with. That is if you want to do dungeons. Pugs are a mother fucking nightmare in this game when doing dungeons.I've been using a guest pass for the last week or so, and the game is pretty fun. Before I actually purchase, can someone let me know if this is the kind of game I can play casually and still have fun? My life isn't exactly amenable to hardcore gaming at this point, but I still like my MMO time.
I do a lot of pugs because everyone in the RR guild on Stormtalon is way ahead of me, I just hit 34 today. It isn't so bad. I would say the ratio of dumbasses has really thinned out, it was most thick right around lvl 20 when dungeons were first introduced. I quest for a bit then hit a dungeon, I level pretty quickly for how much I play, really I don't have much to complain about.IMO the only way you can have fun casually is if you are in a guild to do dungeons with. That is if you want to do dungeons. Pugs are a mother fucking nightmare in this game when doing dungeons.
Get your stinky Assault AMPs out of my Support ones!You don't run the 6% crit aura?(which remember also includes buffing yourself).