So what are engineers doing at 50 as far as builds go for dps? My build right now at 35 is this:
Engineer Builder - WS-Base
But I am looking at the T8 abilities and they look pretty lackluster, nothing that jumps out like a couple of the T4s did. I was thinking of maybe going for Zap T4 but when looking around at builds I haven't seen anyone use that at all.
If you do some parses you'll see by far the majority of Eng DPS comes from your Vol spenders. A lot of folks are using Electrocute. Bolt Caster is superior, particularly for single target, which is a large part of end game. After spenders your artillery bot does great dps and benefits most from additional points.
You want to be using T8 Electrocute or BC. T7 or T8 into Artillery Bot. T4 Zap for an I2 interrupt. Volatile Injection and Quick Burst will always be on your bar no matter what build you use. VI is an option to put spare points into but QB stays at T0
Personally I use :
Always on my bar : Volatile Injection, Quick Burst, Artillery Bot, Zap
Second Bot : Bruiser (solo) or Diminisher (not solo)
Spender : Bolt Caster (single tgt), Electrocute (multiple tgt)
Optional builder : I still like T4 BS even though I try not to use it
This addon is great :
SassyBuilds - Action Bars - WildStar Addons - Curse
It allows you to switch between builds. You can set up as many builds as you like and it will swap your abilities in and out. I have a half dozen set up on it. As somebody posted in the comments you can even use the following command in a macro to swap : /eval Apollo.GetAddon("SassyBuilds"):ActivateBuild("buil d name")
AP >> all for Eng so prioritize Finesse.
Your primary objective is to maximize the uptime on your spenders by optimizing Volatility gain.
Make sure you are using the Amp 'Reckless Dash' as well as 'Volatility Rising' and get a pair of boots with 'Dasher' on them. Player made boots can have one of four specials - Dasher being one of them. Once you've done this with practise you don't need any builders. Double roll straight into your finisher. Saying that you're at the mercy of lag so most folk keep up a builder, either a T0 Pulse Blast or a T4 Bio Shell. Last option isn't bad so you double roll straight into a T4 Bio Shell, pop Volatile Injection and/or innate and on into your DPS which is as simple as spamming your spender and hitting QB when it pops.
This guy is on the ball :
In the Zone: A DPS Engineer Guide - Engineer - WildStar Forums
Open to correction but I believe he is in the guild doing world firsts and is their top DPS. This is his gear/stats :