Will Smith n Oscar Town

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
That's exactly how it came across.

I'm guessing he has ED and his wife turned into the town bike to get her rocks off.
Viagra is still a thing. No, it’s worse. She is a whore and he let it slide and agreed to an open relationship to “keep” her.
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<Nazi Janitors>

I still don't give a fuck about the Oscars. What movie won best picture, some movie we don't even have a thread about?

Who Cares Ryan Phillippe GIF by MacGruber
The Child molesting cowboy movie. Probably why Will Smith did it, cause no one is talking about that fact right now

edit: spronk is right, CODA won best picture. The director of the Benedict Cumberbatch cowboy movie won for best director
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FPS noob
i think the movie about the deaf family, CODA, won best picture. its on Apple TV+

CODA = Child Of Deaf Adults (TIL)

heard its good, the kid is not deaf and has a chance to be a pro singer attending university but blah blah blah overcome hardship family something about disability blah blah blah. Usual hollywood "watch strong brave people overcome the hardships of an unfair society" but done well apparently. still, not the kind of movie i ever watch
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Blackwing Lair Raider
He wasn't even reacting to the actual GI Jane bit. He was reacting to his wife's and the crowds reaction. Then Rock says 'it wasn't that bad' which probably reinforced in his mind that he should do something. People say it was staged (it wasn't) more because of Will's almost rehearsed reaction of walking up there, slap, then calmly walking away like it's a scene he saw in a movie. In fact that's what makes these whole thing ridiculous. He didn't go up there in a rage, he went up there to 'act a part' because of what everyone else (not him) was reacting to.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Only thing I can rationalize on the slap vs punch debate is Chris Rock is looking pretty old and in the last second he decides to go for slap. The motion itself is weird as if he was going to go all in and then pulls back half way into it.
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Millie's Staff Member
Thing that is so odd to me is that in a moment of him having lost his cool so to speak, acting on emotions and being pissed off from someone insulting his wife, he did an open hand slap. Only times I've ever seen or heard about a man hitting another man for something like that has been with a closed fist. Never even heard stories told from people who were present at such an event end with "and then he got so pissed off that he slapped the other guy".

Not that men don't slap other men, there is apparently a whole championship about it, but that's sort of the point. It's a "gimmic". Men don't usually do that to my knowledge. Cross the line, get punched in the face. Slaps are more emasculating, but again, then it is calculated as such, not a hit based on an immediate emotional response.

Think about it. I'd bet that most people here have at one point been at a situation where words are said and things escalated to the point of your fist tightening up. But you didn't do it. Now think about how fast those thoughts of "I shouldn't do it because X reason" come up. They're family, they are friends, it's a bad situation, it's wrong, it's violence in response to words.... whatever it was that caused you not to do it, those thoughts and impulse control came very fast, and that is in the moment so to speak.

If he had time to "think about it", as in rage felt moment that subsided, as he walked towards him calmly, you'd also think that he would have the common sense to not do it right then and there. More of a "lets step outside!" kind of deal.

Granted, probably very good for Will that he didn't knock him out, as that would most certainly be assault charges and the likes, but again, calming down to the point where you realize that should also make you instantly realize that it's not a good idea to hit, slap or not, someone in front of hundreds of people and millions watching at live major internationally televised public event.

A punch I could understand. Rage clouds reason. A slap, not a punch, indicates reason, but then the place and time of the slap defies all reason to me.

It's so strange.
that slap told me Smith sees himself as some kind of father figure and that somebody like Rock is a petulant child who needed to be disciplined. he doesnt see him as another man.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Thing that is so odd to me is that in a moment of him having lost his cool so to speak, acting on emotions and being pissed off from someone insulting his wife, he did an open hand slap. Only times I've ever seen or heard about a man hitting another man for something like that has been with a closed fist. Never even heard stories told from people who were present at such an event end with "and then he got so pissed off that he slapped the other guy".

Not that men don't slap other men, there is apparently a whole championship about it, but that's sort of the point. It's a "gimmic". Men don't usually do that to my knowledge. Cross the line, get punched in the face. Slaps are more emasculating, but again, then it is calculated as such, not a hit based on an immediate emotional response.

Think about it. I'd bet that most people here have at one point been at a situation where words are said and things escalated to the point of your fist tightening up. But you didn't do it. Now think about how fast those thoughts of "I shouldn't do it because X reason" come up. They're family, they are friends, it's a bad situation, it's wrong, it's violence in response to words.... whatever it was that caused you not to do it, those thoughts and impulse control came very fast, and that is in the moment so to speak.

If he had time to "think about it", as in rage felt moment that subsided, as he walked towards him calmly, you'd also think that he would have the common sense to not do it right then and there. More of a "lets step outside!" kind of deal.

Granted, probably very good for Will that he didn't knock him out, as that would most certainly be assault charges and the likes, but again, calming down to the point where you realize that should also make you instantly realize that it's not a good idea to hit, slap or not, someone in front of hundreds of people and millions watching at live major internationally televised public event.

A punch I could understand. Rage clouds reason. A slap, not a punch, indicates reason, but then the place and time of the slap defies all reason to me.

It's so strange.
That's what I said was so weird about it. Dude goes all the way around to the stairs, walks slowly across the stage and then...slaps a man? What the fuck?
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Aging irrelevant movie star "assaults" aging irrelevant host on aging irrelevant fart sniffing exhibition about movies no one has watched.

10,000% staged and I'm cranky how badly this has ruined my morning dump and internet perusing.
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<WoW Guild Officer>
Has anyone reached out to DJ Jazzy Jeff about his thoughts on this incident?
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Potato del Grande
Aging irrelevant movie star "assaults" aging irrelevant host on aging irrelevant fart sniffing exhibition about movies no one has watched.

10,000% staged and I'm cranky how badly this has ruined my morning dump and internet perusing.

I don't think this was staged at all. Dumb, but not staged.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Aging irrelevant movie star "assaults" aging irrelevant host on aging irrelevant fart sniffing exhibition about movies no one has watched.

10,000% staged and I'm cranky how badly this has ruined my morning dump and internet perusing.
Don't say staged, sorry for your morning dump


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
A punch I could understand. Rage clouds reason. A slap, not a punch, indicates reason, but then the place and time of the slap defies all reason to me.

It's so strange.
When you are petulant, entitled, little bitch ass cuck, you think you can just go around slapping people.