Will Smith n Oscar Town


Millie's Staff Member
I mean, it's an award ceremony, not a stand-up show, no?

Why do they need to make non-stop jokes? If a presenter has a good idea for a cool quip occasionally to shake things up, fine. But generally speaking .... just present nominees, why they are nominated, etc?
they hire standup comedians because the Oscars are boring as fuck and the nonstop jokes brings in ratings.
Ha is that 2nd pic for real? Travolta and Sam Jackson look like security guards making sure he doesn't do something stupid again.
i had no idea who those two old men were. damn, too many Royale with Cheeses.
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Sanrith Descartes

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The main reason i feel it may not have been staged is Rock fucked up the intro to the documentary Oscar which was the scripted part of the show right after this shit happened. Rock doesn't normally fuck up lines from a teleprompter. But still most likely staged.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The oscars having storylines and buildup like a good wrestling PPV might actually be the thing that would get me to watch. Actors beefing throughout the year like the Reynolds/Jackman stuff a while back. Kayne interruptions during the show. The crowd chanting "yes" when a good movie wins. The host shouting "good god almighty, he killed him!" after the "slap." It's all so fake anyway might as well go WWE levels of fake.
I think the Oscars will be dead soon anyway. I noticed when I was watching that it's all the same stars from 30 years ago, just old as shit. There are no new up and comers.

RLM talks about this a lot, but the age of the movie star is over.
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I'm With HER ♀
<Bronze Donator>
I think the Oscars will be dead soon anyway. I noticed when I was watching that it's all the same stars from 30 years ago, just old as shit. There are no new up and comers.

RLM talks about this a lot, but the age of the movie star is over.

plus they are horribly divisive and leftist these days, pandering only to the woke agenda which has caused a huge chunk to tune out.
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Log Wizard
I think the Oscars will be dead soon anyway. I noticed when I was watching that it's all the same stars from 30 years ago, just old as shit. There are no new up and comers.

RLM talks about this a lot, but the age of the movie star is over.
It is a very small club and they don't let people in it very often.

It is even worse these days because the same half dozen or so actors appear in nearly everything for years and none of them really act....they only portray themselves in the same 100 movies where the only difference is the title of the film.

Making things even worse are the films themselves. Ensemble super hero movie...filled with all the same people who have been in every other film that year. Zero effort, zero creativity. Oh yeah, if it isn't a super hero movie, it is a reboot of something. Completely unoriginal.

All this has been going on for a while, but at least we got good films here and there. Now all we get is Chris Pratt playing Chris Pratt in Chris Pratt Movie. Or The Rock playing The Rock in The Rock movie.
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Still a Music Elitist
Now all we get is Chris Pratt playing Chris Pratt in Chris Pratt Movie. Or The Rock playing The Rock in The Rock movie.

Let's be real Arnold movies weren't any different. You wanted to see Arnold be Arnold in Arnold movie.
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>

She doesn't like jokes about alopecia, it's hair loss
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Potato del Grande
I fucking hate Amy Schumer with the heat of a thousand suns, but that was actually (edit - passably) funny.
I don't get the outrage, everyone knows who Kursten Dunst is, isn't the joke that she ISN'T a seat filler and just outrageously got treated like one?

Has twitter autism come this far? The joke isn't that the guy is married to an obscure actress, quite the opposite.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Yeah, 100% chance she knew about that bit and was okay with it. Kirsten Dunst is actually very chill for how big of a star she is. I really like her and Plemmons acting together too.
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That guy

dunno if repost way too much shit in this thread but it's funny as fuck to read through this, some ginger fuck with the checkmark @willsmith name
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Trakanon Raider
Thing that is so odd to me is that in a moment of him having lost his cool so to speak, acting on emotions and being pissed off from someone insulting his wife, he did an open hand slap. Only times I've ever seen or heard about a man hitting another man for something like that has been with a closed fist. Never even heard stories told from people who were present at such an event end with "and then he got so pissed off that he slapped the other guy".

Not that men don't slap other men, there is apparently a whole championship about it, but that's sort of the point. It's a "gimmic". Men don't usually do that to my knowledge. Cross the line, get punched in the face. Slaps are more emasculating, but again, then it is calculated as such, not a hit based on an immediate emotional response.

Think about it. I'd bet that most people here have at one point been at a situation where words are said and things escalated to the point of your fist tightening up. But you didn't do it. Now think about how fast those thoughts of "I shouldn't do it because X reason" come up. They're family, they are friends, it's a bad situation, it's wrong, it's violence in response to words.... whatever it was that caused you not to do it, those thoughts and impulse control came very fast, and that is in the moment so to speak.

If he had time to "think about it", as in rage felt moment that subsided, as he walked towards him calmly, you'd also think that he would have the common sense to not do it right then and there. More of a "lets step outside!" kind of deal.

Granted, probably very good for Will that he didn't knock him out, as that would most certainly be assault charges and the likes, but again, calming down to the point where you realize that should also make you instantly realize that it's not a good idea to hit, slap or not, someone in front of hundreds of people and millions watching at live major internationally televised public event.

A punch I could understand. Rage clouds reason. A slap, not a punch, indicates reason, but then the place and time of the slap defies all reason to me.

It's so strange.