Will Wight


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Just got to the point where the Iron King is speaking to Benri for the first time and just about noped out. Not sure what he was thinking having the Iron King speak like a 20 year old idiot. Just makes no sense the way this dialogue is written. Maybe it does eventually but it is so jarring I almost don’t care.

Couldn't agree more.

On top of that it made no sense on how the Iron King "captured" Benri. The Iron King didn't attempt to capture all the copies. He just...knew out of the blue which was the original when his son ONLY knows he was dealing with a copy through "that's not how my dad would react" vibe?

AND he's all seeing? How he lose in the 1st place? Never mind four times?

Too many holes...too many flaws.
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Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Honestly, and I'm sorry to say it and it is probably too harsh, but this book sucked. Wight has written 11 Cradle books that all managed to be interesting, endearing, entertaining. Traveler's Gate, Elder Empire, both series were pretty good.

This book may as well have not even been written by the same author. It has none of what his other books have. It is mind boggling. Everyone is entitled to an off day and hopefully he picks it back up for the remaining Cradle books. But he laid an egg here.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Thanks whoever botched the pre-release and forced them to release early.

(now, if only I had time to start reading today...)
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Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Thanks whoever botched the pre-release and forced them to release early.

(now, if only I had time to start reading today...)
lol I was just about to turn out the lights and saw Ritley Ritley ’s post and stayed up to get 10% in before my eyes just could last. Was going to get to the point of forgetting what I read and dropping the Kindle on my face.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Question about a line I just read:

About 50% in Cladia is talking to Yerin and gang and states “There are Monarchs on the prowl all over Ashwind…”

Am I the only one that was under the impression there were only a handful of actual Monarchs around? How could there be enough to be prowling a continent looking for her? Especially given the current state of affairs. Just seemed like a strange line that caught me off guard.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Someone please remind me how Lindon stole so much shit in the previous book? I don't seem to remember that happening.
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<Gold Donor>
I'm about 30% into house of blades. Are all his books this good? It's really easy reading with just enough mystery to keep you guessing.

Also any idea why they gave all those kindle books away? Not that I'm complaining but wow that was a lot of free books.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Someone please remind me how Lindon stole so much shit in the previous book? I don't seem to remember that happening.

In Dreadgod he and Yerin went on some heist. I know it was a plot point of that book but I don't think it was as detailed as what this book suggests they stole. Had to do with moving the labyrinth and exits being around other Monarch's territory. Something something. Here they have apparently looted the whole world of every treasure that exists without anyone mentioning it or complaining.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
I'm about 30% into house of blades. Are all his books this good? It's really easy reading with just enough mystery to keep you guessing.

Also any idea why they gave all those kindle books away? Not that I'm complaining but wow that was a lot of free books.
At that point in a book career, you don't get much revenue anymore. You get a small blip in the first book of a series when a new book comes out, but less and less with each successive book. People see book 3 of a series, they say "I should check the series". They see book 12, they say "well, if I didn't notice that series before, there must be a reason".

So, free books is a great way to get you cheaply into the series, and boost you through the rest. What makes it extraordinary is that he gave away the other series, although, they all happen in the same universe as Cradle.

By the way, the Elder Empire series is good and weird because you get two series, one told from each PoV of the antagonist factions in there: the navigators, and the "consultants" - aka spy/assassin guild. The recommended order is to pick one of the book 1s, then the other, and go back and forth between series as each book acts as a spoiler for the other, yet offer a completely different perspective and explains things that aren't in the other. It's a distant prequel to Cradle too, as you get to meet a guy with a big scythe telling you "clean that crap, or I'll erase your world".
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Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I'm about 30% into house of blades. Are all his books this good? It's really easy reading with just enough mystery to keep you guessing.

Also any idea why they gave all those kindle books away? Not that I'm complaining but wow that was a lot of free books.
I think they are, at least from an enjoyability stand point. Ukerric Ukerric probably said it all better, but yeah his library is very good. Which is why it was so shocking that Captain was such a hot turd of a book, but also why he gets a pass from me and I’d happily read a book 2.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Just finished and liked it. Felt like he could have easily run this out to 2-3 more books with how much happened. Made some things feel rushed and less impactful, finished some characters and arcs. There was a lot going on.

Hopefully we see more in the Universe. It is great world building and lots of interesting concepts.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Just finished and liked it. Felt like he could have easily run this out to 2-3 more books with how much happened. Made some things feel rushed and less impactful, finished some characters and arcs. There was a lot going on.

Hopefully we see more in the Universe. It is great world building and lots of interesting concepts.
Technically, even The Captain happens in the same universe.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Okay I finished it. I think he reasonably stuck the landing here. Epilogue could have been a bit more in depth.
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<Gold Donor>
Finished it last night, and I felt it was a pretty good capstone to the series. Like TJT, I spent a ton of time wracking my brain trying to remember when he stole all that shit, and then just gave up and assumed I lost those brain cells somewhere along the way. Glad to see it wasn't only me.

I did feel like a bit too much of the book was Lindon being fucking ridiculously overpowered compared to the previous 11 books, but it needed to happen if you didn't want a deus ex machina style ending I guess. Still, I never once really felt as if anyone was in danger.

Also, is there literally a divine treasure for every fucking thing? I get that monarchs probably hoarded most of them, but everyone and their fucking mother was pulling treasures and weapons and defensive trinkets and shit out of their void spaces like they were fucking candy, to the point where it seemed like there would be dozens for every human and sacred beast on the planet. Anyways.

Bloopers always entertains me, I like that he does that. Also, I'd read a book about the Eight Man Empire, particularly Larian (the archer chick, "Come to Mama."). I loved her character, and it is a shame we didn't get more of her throughout the series.
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<Gold Donor>
Hmm I stated the house of blades as it was a trilogy and all 3 were free. Did I screw up and need to change books? You guys are obviously talking about a different book.