Windows 8

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Three clicks to power down my PC? Am I doing this right?
Because 3 clicks is so much more difficult than the two clicks it was with Windows 7, right?

Sometimes, Microsoft gets things wrong. Sometimes, people make a huge fucking deal out of insignificant changes. This, in my mind, is 100% the latter.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
If three clicks is too tough, maybe use a scheduler and have your PC turn itself on and off without having to push any buttons?
Or just push the power button. There is a built-in function that shuts down (rather forcibly, but still properly) when the power button is pushed.

Wait, is that too hard? It requires the user to know where the power button is.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Shit Winbros, this is too much knowledge.

Where's the intuitive design?

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Well, okay, yes. You can create a shortcut to shutdown.exe, but that's been present in every version of Windows since, what, 2000? I wouldn't say that that counts.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
I stopped going to settings to shutdown, i just alt-F4 from the desktop and you get a traditional shutdown prompt.


It probably wasn't intuitive at first to hit the "start" button to turn off the computer. People will come around. Or Microsoft will change it. Either way, once you learn where it is, problem solved. It's really not a big deal compared to some of the other issues the new interface has.


Lord Nagafen Raider

It was the metadata / file copy issue that drove me over the edge, but honestly, Vista's biggest problem was the immature driver situation, which wasn't an OS issue per se. The vendors wised up in time for Win7 (or were given enough time to do their testing before Win7 release - ymmv).
Bit late, but Windows 7 didn't have issues because it used essentially the same driver model as Vista (which had an entirely new driver model), and I would repeat if you had relatively new hardware from any major vendor there shouldn't have been issues. (I used it from day-1 without complaint). Personally I never had an issue with file copy, I do know that one reason people thought it was slower was actually because WinXP would dismiss the dialog before the file was written to disk at the destination. None of this would have noticed by a typical user.

Paul Thurrott (has a Windows podcast with Leo, and imo is the most entertaining co-host) recommended StarDock's newModernMixapplication which allows Metro apps to be run in windows on the desktop. To my mind this, along with having the new Start screen replace the desktop (as in the bit with the icons) is what Windows 8 ought to have been on a PC.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I stopped going to settings to shutdown, i just alt-F4 from the desktop and you get a traditional shutdown prompt.
I haven't tried this, but I imagine you need to close all applications to do this, or can you simply minimize? For me not having shutdown navigable with arrow keys is annoying; for existing typical users the change is irritating as they need to learn something new, but I imagine for older users like my Grandmother I suspect that missing a visual reminder will be a problem.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Bit late, but Windows 7 didn't have issues because it used essentially the same driver model as Vista (which had an entirely new driver model), and I would repeat if you had relatively new hardware from any major vendor there shouldn't have been issues.
Yes, you're somewhat right. Vista uses WDDM 1.0, and Win7 uses WDDM 1.1. While mostly the same, 1.1 brought a number of improvements to the table, especially in the graphics domain, and it took a while for the major players to catch up and release drivers that took advantage of the new features. When they did, they were reasonably stable (in my experience, anyway) compared to the Vista releases.
i wish that instead of the metroui they had parent/compilliterate workstation tablet. something feature-reduced:
-design it with someone with alzheimer's
-cloud os only (boots off clean ms maintained diskimage for parentmode - data plan and apps preselected and preinstalled by the shop)
-a physical lightswitch to turn on and off the computer. label the lightswitch positions as on and off. make it embarrassingly simple to use
-a physical help button that skypes to a live support person that can do anything for you: get another app. help with the internet. find a hooker blahblah. maybe like siri but a live person. important: first thing the tech support help agent should do is ask if there is someone familiar to whom you already talked to before to help you out. if so, thereon in you queue up for that person.

i guess i'm just tired of helping with comp issues, ppl's tech anxiety and ppl altogether.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Still struggling with most games under Windows 8 and not sure what to do at this point. Problems only developed after doing the upgrade. Maybe a complete reformat and reinstall (if I can figure out where I d/l Win8 to, or re-download it) is the next step. Assassins Creed III, Lord of the Rings Online, Final Fantasy XIV Demo, Everquest, Planetside 2, Guild Wars 2, all crash immediately on start up with the generic <filename>.exe has stopped responding. Hitman Absolution and FarCry 3 both work fine. But just like last go round, without an actual error, no idea what would be causing it.


Molten Core Raider
I had some issues with the Neverwinter beta installer that were solved by giving "Everyone" full access to my c:\users\username\AppData.