Wolfenstein the New Order


To be fair you have to deal with Wyatt the entire time to do it - the Hendrix bit was awesome (played both for trophying) but Wyatt was so annoying in comparison to Fergus.
Agreed. I haven't played it since a few days after it came out (it's a really easy platinum if people are interested) but when I saw the Hendrix part I had a big "wtf" moment that's for sure (in a good way).

Good game. It was a pleasant surprise for me and I enjoyed it from beginning to end. BJ presents a good character as he is a man of few words but when he talks, he means business. The game has a ton of Easter Eggs and even has its very own version of Hodor! This is who is around if you pick Fergus who is the cooler of the two in my view (Spoilers):



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Finished the game.

Completely unremarkable in every way. It is a true 6/10. Not terrible, just ordinary and forgettable. The game could have come out 4-6 years ago in it's same graphical form and it would have been ho-hum then.

The steam punk themes, which replaced the occult elements of previous games were lame. Giant mechanical robot dogs? Fuck off with that retarded shit. They forced their shitty story and characters down your throat. Oh god, and then there is the scavenger hunt fetch missions... are you kidding me?

By then end when they force you into using energy weapons, the game really grinds to a fucking halt. Kill one enemy, find a charge station. Get shot in the back for 6 seconds, kill another enemy. Charge again, hoping you don't die. Kill 1 more enemy. Charge your weapon again, and again, and again, and again. Fuck you.

Finally, no excuse for not having some sort of multiplayer packaged in with this game. This is not the next high-brow Bioshock experience, so don't even fucking start with me. They cut corners to ship a half-assed game in a market devoid of games right now. That's the story. Book closed.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Steam punk? lol. It wasn't steam punk. Not sure where you got that impression.

The Nazis got a jump start on advanced nuclear power tech/etc because of that secret Jewish group and them stumbling across one of their knowledge vaults. That's why they had all sorts of advanced tech decades or centuries ahead of time and were able to win the war.


This is one of the few FPS of the last several years that I've actually completed. I thought it was gonna be a run-of-the-mill nazi story for the first 2 or 3 hours but was pleasantly surprised by the direction the game took. There was just something incredibly satisfying about dual weilding shotguns and killing nazis and the game had a nice narrative. A+


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Btw Quinloe, how censored was this in Germany? lol
I wouldn't know, I pirated an uncensored version. According to Schnittberichte.com, a site specializing in analyzing all kinds of censorship, they removed the images of Hitler, the swastikas and all references to the "Nazis", replacing them with a generic regime.


Vyemm Raider
My main reason for saving Fergus was that he looks like Dr. House. I knew I made the right choice when he called an ubersoldat a "Frankenstein cunt".


Silver Squire
I wouldn't know, I pirated an uncensored version. According to Schnittberichte.com, a site specializing in analyzing all kinds of censorship, they removed the images of Hitler, the swastikas and all references to the "Nazis", replacing them with a generic regime.
Why did they force that? Hit a little too close to home?


Silver Squire
My main reason for saving Fergus was that he looks like Dr. House. I knew I made the right choice when he called an ubersoldat a "Frankenstein cunt".
That is who I went with as well. The other guy was a little wet behind the ears to keep over Fergus. Anyone want to spoiler any differences?


Vyemm Raider
I believe they have a law in Germany that says they can't show any swastikas or references to nazism on toys, and video games are still considered toys there. So that's why it's heavily censored.

As for the differences between the Fergus and Wyatt timelines, there's not really anything to spoiler. Wyatt gets Hendrix and Fergus gets some quirky math chick. Wyatt is angry you chose him because he was too young to be a good leader, and Fergus is angry because he was too old to be picked over Wyatt.. The "ending" is the same for both, only the dialogue changes a little. The main difference really is that the Fergus timeline has health upgrades (+10 each) hidden in missions, while Wyatt's has armor upgrades.

Personnally I'd recommend Fergus because his dialogue is really funny all along the game, though I suppose ideally you should do both (especially since the game contains enough collectibles to last a while, gotta get those upgrades!)


Trakanon Raider
I believe they have a law in Germany that says they can't show any swastikas or references to nazism on toys, and video games are still considered toys there. So that's why it's heavily censored.

As for the differences between the Fergus and Wyatt timelines, there's not really anything to spoiler. Wyatt gets Hendrix and Fergus gets some quirky math chick. Wyatt is angry you chose him because he was too young to be a good leader, and Fergus is angry because he was too old to be picked over Wyatt.. The "ending" is the same for both, only the dialogue changes a little. The main difference really is that the Fergus timeline has health upgrades (+10 each) hidden in missions, while Wyatt's has armor upgrades.

Personnally I'd recommend Fergus because his dialogue is really funny all along the game, though I suppose ideally you should do both (especially since the game contains enough collectibles to last a while, gotta get those upgrades!)
I'm not sure whether it's Nazis specifically, or "promoting a movement seeking to restrict minority's freedom" which is what we have over here, but yeah, you can totally get arrested for that, unless it's like a work of art or something and good luck haggling with somebody what is or isn't an art when it comes to games. I know books and movies get away with it. Personally I found the fact that it's kind of taboo rather amusing when talking to a bunch of German students here.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
My 1st playthrough, I went with Wyatt. I did the logic based choice: I knew the main game would take place in 14 years, so it made more sense to pick a younger person who had some potential. I also knew Fergus was protective of Wyatt and would have volunteered for it anyways.

That being said, Fergus is more awesome ;P


Mr. Poopybutthole
It's more than just nazi stuff though. When I was working on Saints Row, the german version wasn't allowed to show people on fire. They could be run around screaming, trailing smoke, trying to pat out invisible flames, whatever, as long as you didn't actually show the fire.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Germany was always censor happy, like Australia is now. It used to be you couldn't even have human enemies or red blood in Germany...they would be robots and other random crap.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Why did they force that? Hit a little too close to home?
No one's forcing shit, as I've explained in the South Park thread, this goes back to Wolfenstein 3D being banned 23 years ago, and today every publisher de-nazifies their games for German releases. All these changes are made voluntarily by the publishers, including the violence from SR and command and conquer robots. Especially the violence parts have nothing to do with censorship.


It's not that bad. Not worth 60bucks without multiplayer. 60 would be okay if it was with a pass for 2-3 DLCs later.

Being a sci-fi dork, the only part of the story that bugged me was the no-delay radio communications from you on the moon to the earth. I know it's stupid, but that shit is just lazy.
Thats what got you??

I thought the circulating fans on the vents OUTSIDE the airlock on the moon were rather worse than that... :p

I liked the original Wolfenstein game you could play if you slept in the top-floor bed in the Berlin resistance base.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ya, the 1st level of Wolf3D was a fun touch. It was too bad they didn't use the same audio files for the guards, though ;p



I didnt get a steampunk vibe at all. The robo dogs were kinda dumb but whatever, it's Wolfenstein! Def could of used more occult-ness. Only other steam-punkish thing I could think of were the ubersoldat's but those were from Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Little disappointed when you
get to the moon and are traveling to get the nuke codes, they point out a building where those guys are made and you dont get to explore it/fight them

Overall though, very happy with it. Wish it had multiplayer but hopefully the Doom beta makes up for it.

we all know it won't


<WoW Guild Officer>
Decent so far, although lack of auto-loot is driving me bonkers. I played through F.E.A.R. earlier, so guess I got spoiled.