Wonder Woman (2017)


Buzzfeed Editor
i wanted to shit on this movie for a lot of reasons before even watching it

the concept and origin of wonder woman which is the hokiest and lamest thing imaginable.
the notion of stopping Ares
the expected hamfisted SJW-ness and feminism BS

but i have to say, that given the source material they had to work with (which was a complete and utter total disaster) they managed to make a movie that was really well done. And on an emotional level, probably the deepest out of all superhero movies i can remember, with the exception of "Logan" maybe.

Gal Gadot is probably one of the best superhero castings ever after Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, she IS Wonder Woman

I wouldn't put her above the below list, but she certainly should be ON the below list as "near perfect" casting.

Chris Evans as Cap. Patrick Stewart as Xavier. Hemsworth as Thor. RDJ as Stark. Samuel L as Nick Fury. Batista as Drax. Cooper as Rocket. Mackie as Falcon. Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool. Could make a case that Pratt made Starlord his. Shit, Marvel has such great casting it's almost unreal.

I think the shocking thing is just that this is the first time since the original Superman that DC casting is actually good. All their other heroes except for maybe Aflack with batman (He might pull the role out, which shocked me) have been dog shit. Even Bale's performance was meh. Cyborg looks stupid. Mamoa looks like he might make the role his like Starlord, but he's not a match for the material. Ezra Miller feels like he got his wires crossed and is trying to play Wally West instead of Barry Allen. Cavill is a disaster as Superman.

Really, Gadot might the only truly great casting DC has done--which I think makes her stand out a lot more.


Buzzfeed Editor
Post-Crisis she was given the ability to fly so there was no need for her Pegasus/jet at that point.

I just watched this, I really enjoyed it.

As for those saying that DC heroes are too powerful...I know Marvel has Thanos and others but for the greater part the villains you see that the heroes in DC are fighting God level characters much of the time too. Brainaic, Larfleeze, Trigon, Eclipso, Nekron, Krona, Anti-Monitor, Imperiex-Prime, Mr. Mxyzptlk (lol a favorite of mine) and of course Darkseid....just to name a few....so the power levels of the heroes needs to be at this point. With the exception of Batman and other non super-powered heroes who for the most part fight lower powered baddies....the rest have pretty major foes.

So far in Marvel movies we've really only seen Dr. Strange fight an insanely powerful enemy while the others have fought powerful people only because they had a powerful item that temporarily made them so...this even happens in the Thor movies. (Unless my 3am brain is spacing out on some)

So I don't mind it too much. It's like when I used to play Shining Force on Sega and all my Nintendo friends said it sucked because the characters only had like 100HP while in their FF games they had thousands. Each universe scales itself accordingly but just because one is scaled above the other doesn't mean the other is bad or uninteresting imo.

Or it's also a good possibility I'm retarded and I'm babbling because I've been up for 27 hours due to my stupid Crohns. Either way I'm glad DC finally popped off with a good movie, they needed it desperately and I must admit, this was the last one I thought would do it.

There has always been a gap between DC and Marvel. DC was always much closer to the "God" stories of Greek mythology (And they've really hammered that point home), while Marvel was closer to the "Demi-God" and "Heroic" stories you'd see. They've been two specific niches throughout history, and while they overlap, they aren't the same. One is more human, one is more 'awe' factor.

I think DC might have helped itself some by toning Superman down, and 'flattening' the power curves like Marvel did. Like Thor and Hulk and Iron Man in the Marvel films? Are weaker than their comics--while Captain America and WS are much stronger. That's intentional. They wanted everyone to be believable working together. So while there is no doubt Thor would still be able to beat Cap, it wouldn't be as completely one sided as it should be. Iron Man can actually do 'decently' before he'd lose against Thor, rather than getting his shit pushed in like in the Comics. I tend to really like the homogenization, because it makes their niches and personal qualities stand out more.

The main problem with DC is always "okay, why doesn't Superman take care of this?" It's no surprise they had to literally kill him in Justice League to get some drama. But yeah, I don't think its a big problem that DC heroes are generally stronger than Marvel--that's fine. I think though that Superman might be a little too strong, and they had a chance to fix that problem. Instead though, Zack Snyder sperged out on wanting to see what someone as strong as Superman would really do fighting in our world. It ends up being visually stunning but not very entertaining.


Potato del Grande
The main problem with DC is always "okay, why doesn't Superman take care of this?"

I really now when at the point in a Marvel Movie where you go "okay, why doesn't X take care of this?", they actually have a team up happen. Like Civil War or Iron Man being in the Spiderman movie.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
All they had to do with Superman was lift the phone from justice league unlimited about living in a world made of paper


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
DC stories have always been allegories to the greek gods, with powerful and (generally) morally infallible heroes. Batman was the one major exception to this and that's probably a big part of his popularity.

Marvel is more about flawed heroes, which is why their power levels are all over the place and are able to dig into more social issues and drama. The downsides to that are the really crazy shit that they tack on, but sometimes that ends up being awesome in its own way (Guardians, Micronaughts, ect). The closest DC ever got to being like Marvel was probably Watchmen (which was excellent), but Marvel has the issue of all of their main heroes being morally tainted in various ways, so they never had an iconic one like Superman (as one example).

I think if their writers would look at the whole thing like DC heroes are the Greek gods and that Marvel ones are basically Homer tales being told, both sets of movies would be much more improved.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Watched this today. Really liked it. I'm old enough to barely remember Linda Carter's version on TV, so prior to today, that's the image in my mind. Gal Gadot was perfect in this in my opinion. I couldn't take my eyes off of her.
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Aychamo BanBan

I loved this movie.

First and foremost, it never insulted me. There were so many opportunities for this movie to have the powerful female lead and a dumb klutzy male lead who constantly needs her help, but instead we got a fantastic male lead who contributed and helped her out and was awesome too. Or there were multiple situations where they could have pointed out that she’s a woman and not a man, for example “no mans land.” I was dreading the inevitable ROTK line “I am no man,” but instead they went with “that’s what I’m here for” and gave us one of the best action sequences in any film.

Next, the characters were all great. Obviously WW and Steve were great. WW is relentless in her quest. She doesn't waiver (well for 10 seconds at the end), and she's a fucking badass. You care about Wonder Woman as a character because she's so awesome and because of what she stands for. We root for her because of this. We (or at least I) didn't root for Wonder Woman because she's a woman, or for some shitty SJW bullshit. I was glad she wins because of how great her character was. And also the supporting crew were great too. Most movies just have the supporting crew as mindless tagalongs without much story. But we had Sami, who wants to be an actor, but couldn’t because of the war, and found a way to still get to do what he loves while in the war. And Charlie is an ex-sniper who is an alcoholic with PTSD and self esteem issues. And you get to see how much Charlie and Sami and Steve all care about each other (like when they’re consoling Charlie after he can’t snipe.) And then Charlie gets “healed” by Wonder Woman (singing again) after they have a good day and a victory. My point is that the side characters had depth to them (unlike, for example, almost every character in Suicide Squad.)

The action was incredible. The opening beach fight scenes are great, with the super moves by the queen and the general (*everyone* had to be in awe when the general does the first “shield” jump and you get the beautiful wide shot of her flying backwards and shoot the three arrows.) The first “no mans land” scene and the Veld village scene are phenomenal. They are extremely powerful and you get to see WW kind of figuring out just how much of a badass she is. When she walks up on the battle field at first, it’s insanely dramatic. And when it finishes with her destroying the church tower, oh my god.

The two leads had amazing chemistry. You get to quickly see how much they like each other. In the “no mans land” sequence there’s a scene where Steve shoots someone who was about to attack WW and she looks at him, and then the wonderful sequence afterwards in the village where they dance, Charlie sings, and then the scene when he brings her to her room. Who’s heart didn’t melt when he walks back in the room, closes the door, and she gives him “fuck me” eyes.

Not to mention she is so insanely gorgeous that you literally can’t take your eyes off of her. Without a doubt true definition of beauty. I think half the country is in love with Gal Gadot right now.

Also, there’s a great youtube video that explains something that was new to me, called bathos, which is a concept in writing where you take something serious and then make a joke, which take away the emotion you had for it being serious. I had felt this way about the marvel movies (I still love them too), but I didn’t know there was a name for it. They use as an example Dr Strange, where its supposed to be the epic moment where he becomes a badass, the cape flies on him, and we are supposed to be emotionally invested in this scene, and then the cape tickles his nose and we laugh, but then we lose the sense of importance of this scene. Marvel does this a lot. But WW didn’t do this. It had serious scenes, you get invested in them, and they don’t cheap out and ruin it by putting a joke in. It makes you care so much more about the movie.

The movie wasn’t perfect. The accents on Themyscura (..) were ridiculous, and honestly when the movie first started (like 4 minutes in) I had serious doubts and was worried this would be a terrible movie. The ending got a little sloppy, but I’m not sure how they could have improved it. The chemist lady was ridiculous.

Anyway, I loved this movie. Gal Gadot was perfect casting. I give it a 9.9/10. My favorite superhero movie by far.
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Aychamo BanBan

Swear to god I've been around since noows (??) days, through the whole old forum with imitation picture threads, the freak who dressed like a gladiator and had a bunch of ugly prostitutes living with him, the retard (Searyx??) who ran like ten copies of EQ at once, until Requim had a meltdown, Tyen botted the whole internet, Millie was a dude, Raavven was a drug addict who other forum members illegally diverted their narcotics to her, rerolled sold out, rererolled, etc. Just didn't feel like using old account but at same time I really just wanted to express to movie nerds why I loved the movie so much.
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Millie's Staff Member
Swear to god I've been around since noows (??) days, through the whole old forum with imitation picture threads, the freak who dressed like a gladiator and had a bunch of ugly prostitutes living with him, the retard (Searyx??) who ran like ten copies of EQ at once, until Requim had a meltdown, Tyen botted the whole internet, Millie was a dude, Raavven was a drug addict who other forum members illegally diverted their narcotics to her, rerolled sold out, rererolled, etc. Just didn't feel like using old account but at same time I really just wanted to express to movie nerds why I loved the movie so much.
ive been here since foh leaked the first Epic quest rewards screenshots and i immediately dumped EQ's abashi shitplay forums to be an asshole with the rest of you. welcome back.


That guy
Sam da Man was the crazy haired multiboxer. Searyx had the bearded selfie type picture and shitposted considerably.
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<Bronze Donator>
Also, Brittany, hoofshots, coffee and tv, Big P the gigantic faggot etc.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I enjoyed this movie a lot more than the recent DC attempts. Gal Gadot did a good job of appearing strong. The best thing the movie did was convince me by the end that she could actually play Wonder Woman. I have to remember that this universe is completely different from ours with the idea that the Gods were real. It is strange though that one of the issues with Superman was the fear that he would make himself a God and potentially rule over man kind and yet Gods had already done this. One question though, Did Zues create all humanoids or just earthlings? I never read DC that much and so cannot quite understand the God to mortal dynamic and its range of existence. I did like that despite the lack of aging that gods were not invincible. I guess since she can fly, the invisible jet is fairly useless.

This movie is downloadable now with good quality.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I have to remember that this universe is completely different from ours with the idea that the Gods were real. It is strange though that one of the issues with Superman was the fear that he would make himself a God and potentially rule over man kind and yet Gods had already done this. One question though, Did Zues create all humanoids or just earthlings? I never read DC that much and so cannot quite understand the God to mortal dynamic and its range of existence. I did like that despite the lack of aging that gods were not invincible. I guess since she can fly, the invisible jet is fairly useless.

In the context of the movies, the "gods" (really just super powerful beings akin to Kryptonians) are viewed as myths just as we view them in our world. While they may exist/have existed, the vast majority of humanity in the DC universe isn't aware that they are anything other than myths. That's why Superman was so frightening. It would be like if the real life Zeus suddenly showed up and start hurling lightning bolts everywhere.

My interpretation of the creation myth as given in the movie is that it was a mix of fact and fiction. Fact in that the "gods" were real, powerful beings who ruled over mortals at one point, but fiction in that they didn't actually create humans. They simply pretended to be all-powerful, omnipotent beings worthy of worship and fostered the creation myths. Kind of like how it worked in Stargate.

That's how I understood it all, anyway.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Swear to god I've been around since noows (??) days, through the whole old forum with imitation picture threads, the freak who dressed like a gladiator and had a bunch of ugly prostitutes living with him, the retard (Searyx??) who ran like ten copies of EQ at once, until Requim had a meltdown, Tyen botted the whole internet, Millie was a dude, Raavven was a drug addict who other forum members illegally diverted their narcotics to her, rerolled sold out, rererolled, etc. Just didn't feel like using old account but at same time I really just wanted to express to movie nerds why I loved the movie so much.

I've been around that long myself and I could only remember about half of all that. Impressive recap.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I think you meant where do gods like Zeus and Ares fit into the context of non earthlings? In which case, the Greek pantheon (as well as other pantheons) are still around, similarly to Thor and Odin being around. I have no ideas about power levels or tiers, but they are powerful beings tied to earth for various reasons
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Ssraeszha Raider
Swear to god I've been around since noows (??) days, through the whole old forum with imitation picture threads, the freak who dressed like a gladiator and had a bunch of ugly prostitutes living with him, the retard (Searyx??) who ran like ten copies of EQ at once, until Requim had a meltdown, Tyen botted the whole internet, Millie was a dude, Raavven was a drug addict who other forum members illegally diverted their narcotics to her, rerolled sold out, rererolled, etc. Just didn't feel like using old account but at same time I really just wanted to express to movie nerds why I loved the movie so much.

And this is what you pop your cherry on? An above average movie?



Silver Baronet of the Realm
yeah, i also like how he didn't refute the point on being paid to write that article on various websites

Aychamo BanBan

yeah, i also like how he didn't refute the point on being paid to write that article on various websites

Dude :) It's terribly written, and it's not on any other website. I just freaking loved the movie. I also ordered that new 6 foot tall Wonder Woman statue that comes out in October and I got movie posters framed each of WW, batman, and superman for my movie room. And it wasn't my cherry pop, I just don't think my account was on this website. I thought I had made it on rererolled but I guess I didn't.

I was annoyed because my theater had it in the "cinemark XD" theater for my first two viewings, but when I went a third time it was in the shitty side theater. The 1080p that came out few days ago is better than my damn local movie theater. This is why everyone pirates and builds home theaters. Also there's no known cases of crazy gunman shooting people up in home theater.
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SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I also ordered that new 6 foot tall Wonder Woman statue that comes out in October and I got movie posters framed each of WW, batman, and superman for my movie room.

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