What do you guys think about adding a better fence to a table saw. I have an old Craftsman table saw that belonged to my grandfather and I would like to keep using it for sentimental reasons and because I don't want to spend the money on a new one but the fence sucks on it and it's a bit under powered. I've been thinking about putting a better fence on it and upgrading the motor, maybe even bumping it up to 240 volts. I've also seen where people extend their table and put a router on one side which can also use the same fence. Anyone ever done anything like that? Is it worth doing?
I have been considering this for my Rigid and have stumbled across a few things. Don't have the links handy but can try to find them in my search history if you want. (*edit: since I didn't really answer the question; yeah I'd upgrade my fence if it was worth it. I can deal with aligning the blade, my top and extension are level, my zero clearance throat plates are fine, I break down large sheets to manageable sizes so don't -need- huge outfeed or extensions.. but I HATE the fence on my Rigid).
For the Crafstman it seems like there are a few tutorials out there for installing a Delta T2/T3 fence that people rave about. However it seemed like it is designed to only fit the Delta so installing on the Craftsman required drilling new holes. Otherwise people loved it.
So yeah that is one thing I was running across. Which rail system would fit and how based on what you're using.
The Delta T2s were out of stock everywhere for any reasonable price (~$210 or so) and the few T3 I saw were more expensive (~$350?).
Vega and Shop Fox fence's were similarly recommended and they were $250 - $350? Depending on how long a rail system you needed.
At the end of the day it didn't seem worth it to upgrade the fence on my $350 table saw but I don't have the same sentiment attached that you do. Only that she was my first /swoon.
There are a lot of plans out there for saw tables that include a built in router table. I also believe that Rockler sells inserts, maybe Grizzly too? But those run expensive rather than a DIY option. It is something I'm interested in. I don't know, all these add ons and you're getting in to the territory of buying a "lower end" 220 cabinet saw. Unless you need specific size and space requirements, mobility, etc.