Jointer arrived… going to have to find a way to unpack this thing. Also need the electrician to come by and do the 230 circuit. Would try to do it myself but with Christmas travel, work… Going to end up costing me more than I want because of what is being asked. May as well plan for future growth and make things easier, go ahead and get it done.
While receiving the delivery also took a couple hours to work on the jewelry box. Ran in to a slight issue with the miter splines. What I’m “pretty sure” happened is a few things…
1) The Sapele and Maple that were cut for splines was not as uniform in thickness as assumed (going to be honest and say that a scrap was used and said scrap was assumed to be flat, square, true). That contributed to one spline that didn’t quite fill the cut.
II) The glue squeeze out when inserting the spline hid the fact it was not 100% flush on the recess, so as a result there are two slightly off. Really thought it paid attention to this and cleaned all the squeeze out specifically to avoid this issue.
C) Tried to make the grain direction of the spline match that of the side of the box. Not sure that was 100% and am thinking it would have been better to align it perpendicular. This isn’t for strength reasons, in the case, purely cosmetic and the way flush cutting them worked. Even with sufficient glue, having the grain running along the length seemed to allow for more tear out of the spline while flush cutting. Maybe… not quite sure.
This is what happens with learning by doing. But I’m happy with it. Enough to use it for a present at least. Got the felt in the bottom of the trays. Will do the top and handle tomorrow hopefully.
Probably have to resize tomorrow, phone pics post large.
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