Bronze Baronet of the Realm
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- 5,087
Nostalgia is one hell of a drug.All I know is that people are playing vanilla wow beta up to lv 30, no fucking raids, no mythic++(x)- of any kind and they are still having a blast.
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Nostalgia is one hell of a drug.All I know is that people are playing vanilla wow beta up to lv 30, no fucking raids, no mythic++(x)- of any kind and they are still having a blast.
Nostalgia is one hell of a drug.
I know exactly why current WoW is shitting the bed and it has exactly 0.1% to do with Mythic raids.Noodle is basically Ion and neither can figure out why current WoW is shitting the bed and everyone wants to go back to Classic instead.
Yeah, he thinks he knows why too.I know exactly why current WoW is shitting the bed and it has exactly 0.1% to do with Mythic raids.
Quit wow shortly after AQ and gaming altogether. Got a job, a social life, got laid, got drunk, did drugs, everything I missed whilst I was gaming
I know exactly why current WoW is shitting the bed and it has exactly 0.1% to do with Mythic raids.
Well yes, you can say the pull to play Classic is more than just nostalgia, and I'll agree with you, but is by far the main reason. I don't want to argue the point though, since I'll be playing and having fun with my friends again.Quit wow shortly after AQ and gaming altogether. Got a job, a social life, got laid, got drunk, did drugs, everything I missed whilst I was gaming
Set up a private server account in November because of nostalgia. 6 months later I just cleared Naxx one week after it's release.
There's more to it than just nostalgia, it's a very well crafted game
I know exactly why current WoW is shitting the bed and it has exactly 0.1% to do with Mythic raids.
Pet Battles
I think most MMO's or similar games all have that though, and none have really balanced it out in a good way. Blizzard hasn't found a way to make all the content they've made over the years relevant in the current year. So all the playerbase really does is "play the expansion" and wait for the next. I have no idea how to fix that. WoW started its decline once people realized that was what they were doing.For me, wow fails simply for the fact that when you log on today, say a old Wrath player, you have absolutely no god damn idea even WTF is going on anymore. Its so fucking bloated with systems, expansions, etc.etc.. That its not even worth it anymore. Not only that, they keep on changing classes, skills, talents every expansion that the warrior you used to know in TBC is nothing what it is today.
Everything about the game sucks. But a lot of the design decisions (Time-gating everything, personal loot to "fix" split raiding, etc) is a direct result of them trying to artificially cockblock bleeding edge Mythic raiders so they cannot progress faster than Blizzard wants them to. And the entire rest of the game suffers as a result. They also inflated the difficulty of Mythic raid to a point where you have to be a professional gamer to make any meaningful progress. 700+ attempts for a guild full of people who play this game full time for a living on the second boss of a 2 boss mid-tier raid? Go fuck yourself Blizzard.
Oh Mythic raiders are chain running M+ for AP? Nerf the AP gains into the ground. Oh now they're chain running islands for AP? Nerf Island AP gains. Oh Mythic raiders are split-raiding so they can feed more loot to their mains to get a higher average ilvl for the new raid tier? Forced personal loot for everyone!
Yea, curated starting gear, and see how far people can get with the gear they win. Also disable combat addons. =)At this point, I don't see why they don't just make a Mythic raid tournament server, give everyone the same gear and make the race official.
Pet Battles
Island expeditions
Talent/skillls removal
GCD bullshit
4 versions of the same boss
Constant gear resets
Having to play your UI/Weak auras instead of the fucking game
Pet battles
Game world is a glorified Xbox like lobby to queue up for bullshit
Pyramid city sucks goblin wang
Trash story
Pet battles
Getting weaker as you level
Barbie doll fairy princess dress up transmog
Removal of tier sets
Dailies/World Quest infinite grinding
Constantly changing the raid sizes
Pet battles
Achievement points
Allied races being tied behind bullshit rep grinds
This is that whole thing where Blizz forgot that the point of an immersive MMO is the journey not herp derp end game is all that matters and where the game really begins!
Why do I still remember camping stupid ass Aviaks and all the retarded shit that I did in EQ?
you're all gay post pvp videos