He made an Asian waifu streamer today, so it’s been entertaining to the max. She called him tiny dick a bunch.That dude is fucking gnarly. I can't wait to see what he does on the general population once the game comes out
...a lot of the design decisions (Time-gating everything, personal loot to "fix" split raiding, etc) is a direct result of them trying to artificially cockblock bleeding edge Mythic raiders so they cannot progress faster than Blizzard wants them to. And the entire rest of the game suffers as a result.
Oh Mythic raiders are chain running M+ for AP? Nerf the AP gains into the ground. Oh now they're chain running islands for AP? Nerf Island AP gains. Oh Mythic raiders are split-raiding so they can feed more loot to their mains to get a higher average ilvl for the new raid tier? Forced personal loot for everyone!
Forcing guilds to only have elite players compounds the problem of content, because obviously they're going to be the smallest part of the population, consuming the most content, at the fastest pace.
If you design a game that caters to this playstyle, which it sounds like you're in favor of, you're not building an MMORPG. You're simply building a raiding simulator with some barriers to entry, which is essentially why people hate WoW now.
Look man I get it, I pissed you off. You did not claim anything that khane is saying in any of your posts. You can't cite after the fact and say oh yeah I meant this.Ahem. *does bestNoodleface impression*
"If you polled a majority of the people quitting I bet 1% would complain about raid difficulty."
Gotta break it up into smaller sentences for comprehension.
How many different ways we gotta say it?
Look man I get it, I pissed you off. You did not claim anything that khane is saying in any of your posts. You can't cite after the fact and say oh yeah I meant this.
Well yes, you can say the pull to play Classic is more than just nostalgia, and I'll agree with you, but is by far the main reason. I don't want to argue the point though, since I'll be playing and having fun with my friends again.
Wait... was Scarlet Monestary all one dungeon back then? Getting flashbacks.I have a hard time believing that three days in 100k people are still watching level 30 WoW grinding scarlet monastery on twitch on five different channels. It's literally all they've been doing since Sunday. But that's what we have.
Look man I get it, I pissed you off. You did not claim anything that khane is saying in any of your posts. You can't cite after the fact and say oh yeah I meant this.
I agree they've done some dumb shit like personal loot. Tuning anything to mythic is stupid, they tried to fix a problem that like 3 guilds were partaking in. But stuff like islands were never fun to begin with, that's a large part of why BfA failed. Islands sucked. Warfronts sucked. Classes played awful. Tanking felt like.shit. Healing felt like sucking a turd through a straw. Azerite was a step back from legion. World quests STILL sucked. Flying system STILL sucks. Levelling feels AWFUL at 110-120.
There's a lot wrong with BfA and SOME of it can be attributed to some asinine decisions Ion made.