I got in today after subbing 4 days ago. You clearly just need to cancel.
In a separate addon called "Details_TinyThreat". Let me check ... nope, it also uses those API functions:Someone said Details is working - doesn't details have a threat tab too?
local _UnitDetailedThreatSituation = UnitDetailedThreatSituation
Details\\Libs\\LibGroupInSpecT-1.1\\LibGroupInSpecT-1.1-90.lua:671: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'MAX_TALENT_TIERS' (a nil value)
Interface\\AddOns\\Details\\Libs\\DF\\fw.lua:2188: attempt to index global 'PixelUtil' (a nil value)
Oh I was just asking, I wasn't sure.In a separate addon called "Details_TinyThreat". Let me check ... nope, it also uses those API functions:
Code:local _UnitDetailedThreatSituation = UnitDetailedThreatSituation
The Details version I have (checked out from GitHub) also throws tons of errors. Do you have a link for one that should be working?
Code:Details\\Libs\\LibGroupInSpecT-1.1\\LibGroupInSpecT-1.1-90.lua:671: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'MAX_TALENT_TIERS' (a nil value) Interface\\AddOns\\Details\\Libs\\DF\\fw.lua:2188: attempt to index global 'PixelUtil' (a nil value)
Yeah. When you enter the left and right portals are open. Left is torture chamber/graveyard. Right is the library with Houndmaster Loksley + Arcanist Doan. In his room is a lockbox with the key.
Middle left is cathedral (Morgraine/Whitemane) and middle right is the armory with Herod.
No. I’m zoomed in and mouse looking is impossible while I’m clicking my skills, so I need to press S to back up.
I got in the stress test and as a current player only had to download 3.5 GB.Around 8.5 GB
Then you had an retail client installed somewhere. They changed the directory structure so Live and Classic can share ressources. Your installation will now look like:I got in the stress test and as a current player only had to download 3.5 GB.
Sent my patches for WoW-Pro to Ludovicus, he'll check them out. Addon mostly works, however TomTom integration is currently broken. He got a beta invite today, so there should be progress.It'll get destroyed if the WoW-Pro or Azeroth Autopilot variants are updated for WoW Classic.
That was the best thing about TBC with the minor inscription thing that made heal pet increase happiness, no longer had to carry stupid food.